Opinion: SCO, BRICS objectively oppose neo-colonial system of global economy imposed by the West

... world – as noted by Yuri Shevtsov, Director of the Centre for ... everything here is interconnected,” Mr. Shevtsov explained.

sco , BRICS , Shevtsov , opinion

Expert: SCO is new centre of power, where many see alternative to US and its allies

... 3rd-4th. Political scientist Yuri Shevtsov, the Director of the Centre ... observers and dialogue partners,” Mr. Shevtsov added. “The SCO appeared at ...

Belarus , SCO , Russia , Shevtsov

Expert commented on ongoing nuclear exercises of Belarus’ Armed Forces

... Alfa Radio , political scientist Yuri Shevtsov, the Director of the Centre ... powder dry. According to Yuri Shevtsov, a very difficult military situation ... NATO in any form,” Mr. Shevtsov added. “In the West, they ... country, reparations, etc. As Yuri Shevtsov noted, the only thing that ... of delivering such weapons,” Yuri Shevtsov added. “Russia has equipped some ...

Belarus , Russia , NATO , West , nuclear weapons , expert , Shevtsov

Shevtsov explained why Red Cross suspended BRC membership

... the BRC General Secretary, Dmitry Shevtsov, after his trip to Donbass ... screenshot As noted by Mr. Shevtsov, it all started with the ... a reproach to us.” Mr. Shevtsov mentioned the BRC visit to ...

red cross , Shevtsov , membership

Opinion: real leader, rather than figurehead, always been in power in Belarus

... stated by political expert Yuri Shevtsov, the Director of the European ... WWII results.” According to Mr. Shevtsov, the modern Constitution of Belarus ... what the Constitution outlines,” Mr. Shevtsov stressed.

Belarus , head of state , Shevtsov , opinion

Expert: Lithuania and Poland ineffectively combat illegal migration

... European Integration, political expert Yuri Shevtsov, speculated on whether the refugee ... ? With this in view, Mr. Shevtsov commented, “Of course, it is ...

migrants , poland , lithuania , Shevtsov , opinion , Middle East

Expert on what space flight means for Belarus

... European Integration, political scientist Yuri Shevtsov, commented on the issue in ... Belarus,” the expert noted. Yuri Shevtsov stressed that the flight of ...

Shevtsov , Belarus , space

Expert on prospects of co-operation between Belarus and Global South: economic centre shifting to the East

... boomerang effect. Political expert Yuri Shevtsov, the Director of the Centre ...

Belarus , Global South , china , Shevtsov , opinion

Opinion: Belarus boasts unique position in terms of prospects, connecting China with EU

... European Integration, political scientist Yuri Shevtsov “Much attention is now being ... development of many countries,” Yuri Shevtsov summed up.

Shevtsov , EU , China

Expert believes NATO to be paralysed if threat of direct confrontation with Russia emerges

... European Integration, political expert Yuri Shevtsov, in his talk with Alfa ... of collapse from within, Mr. Shevtsov noted, “I think this may ... from Americans is assumed,” Mr. Shevtsov agreed.

nato , russia , Shevtsov , opinion

Expert did not rule out further escalation between Russia and NATO

... stated by political expert Yuri Shevtsov in his talk with Alfa ... on what is happening, Mr. Shevtsov noted, “There is a very ... occur at some point,” Mr. Shevtsov added.

Shevtsov , russia , NATO , opinion

Expert on EU and US problems in Africa

... Alfa Radio , political scientist Yuri Shevtsov speculated on whether Western countries ... with internal problems,” noted Yuri Shevtsov. According to him, what Belarus ... activities outside America,” explained Yuri Shevtsov.

Shevtsov , Africa , EU , US , Belarus

Opinion: many international organisations today unable to properly perform their functions

... . According to political scientist Yuri Shevtsov, it’s obvious that the ...

opinion , Shevtsov , international organisations , UN

Secretary General of Belarusian Red Cross: collective West turned principles of international co-operation into profanity

... the Belarusian Red Cross, Dmitry Shevtsov “These are primarily the leading ... profanity beneficial to themselves,” Mr. Shevtsov said. “Look at what is ...

west , politics , Red Cross , Shevtsov , opinion

Opinion: Belarus’ foreign policy currently paying much attention to eastern direction

... pace, and political scientist Yuri Shevtsov speculated on this topic. “The ...

Belarus , China , Russia , Shevtsov

Expert: Belarusian military-industrial complex can become driver of economic growth

... the economy. Political expert Yuri Shevtsov commented on the issue. The ... of national security, and Mr. Shevtsov explained, “If the country has ... talk with Alfa Radio , Mr. Shevtsov noted, “An unusual process has ... missiles and small arms.” Mr. Shevtsov added that, if the Belarusian ...

military-industrial complex , Belarus , weapons , production , Shevtsov , opinion

Expert: implementation of major projects always begins after Lukashenko's visits to China

... looks like. Political expert Yuri Shevtsov explained what role the two ... operation of Belarusian exports,” Mr. Shevtsov noted. The expert continued, “Belarus ...

Belarus , china , President , Lukashenko , Shevtsov , opinion

Political scientist explains why Belarus is attractive to SCO

... noted by political scientist Yuri Shevtsov in his talk with Alfa ... security in Eastern Europe. Yuri Shevtsov explained, “The Ukrainian war is ...

Shevtsov , Belarus , SCO

Expert commented on Belarusians’ evacuation from Gaza: Belarus gets well with foreign political challenges

... noted by political expert Yuri Shevtsov in his talk with Alfa ... even better life," Mr. Shevtsov stressed. Another reason for the ... -Semitism in Belarus, and Mr. Shevtsov explained that there are not ...

Belarus , israel , politics , Shevtsov , opinion

Opinion: Belarus is bridge on Great Silk Road from China to Europe and back

... the European Integration Centre Yuri Shevtsov told us. “Over the past ...

Shevtsov , Belarus , Great Silk Road , BRI

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