Expert explains why EU inflating migration crisis on border with Belarus

... directs these huge flows of migrants to the West. Although in ... ‘iron curtain’, forcibly expelling all migrants to Belarusian territory and closing ... Europe with the situation of migrants. “They partially fulfil the order ... balance.” Moreover, the problem of migrants is used as a pretext ...

Dzermant , Belarus , EU , West , migrants

Belarus’ State Border Committee: acute migration situation on border connected with failure of EU to fulfil its promises

... and other benefits to all migrants. But unfortunately, the opposite is ... happening now. At the moment, migrants seeking political asylum in the ...

Belarus , EU , border , migrants , State Border Committee

Belarus’ Deputy FM recalled hundreds of migrants maimed and killed by Polish security forces

... the border with Belarus against migrants from southern countries. Dozens of ... effectively combat criminals exploiting unfortunate migrants on their way from their ...

Ambrazevich , un , poland , border , migrants

Colombia to grant legal status to 540,000 Venezuelan migrants

... status for 540,000 Venezuelan migrants who are guardians of minors ... than 2.8 million Venezuelan migrants currently live in Colombia. The ... living in Colombia, and many migrants accepted this offer.

Colombia , Venezuela , migrants

MP: West generating millions of Dollars on migration crisis

Belarusian border guards found five beaten Somali citizens on the border with Poland in May , and – as the foreigners informed – they had been detained in Poland, where they asked for asylum. Polish security forces responded by striking and using special means, later pushing the beaten refugees through a gate in the fence into the Belarusian territory. Here, first aid was provided to them, and an investigative task force was invited. In his talk with Alfa Radio , the Deputy Chairman of the ...

poland , europe , West , russia , Belarus , migrants , refugees , gaidukevich , opinion

EU approved new migration reform

... since well over 1 million migrants swept into Europe in 2015 ... who should take responsibility for migrants when they arrive and whether ... enable EU members to detain migrants at borders and fingerprint children ...

EU , migrants , migration policy

Belarus’ State Border Committee: Polish mercenaries brutally beat two migrants from Afghanistan

... Polish mercenaries brutally beat two migrants from Afghanistan, sb.by reports ... , Belarusian border guards met two migrants from Afghanistan in the Pruzhany ... at the scene, and the migrants told investigators that they wanted ... gate," one of the migrants said. It is reported that ...

migrants , border , poland

Namibia refused to accept illegal migrants from UK

... and refused to accept illegal migrants being expelled from the United ... Windhoek on the issue of migrants, but was refused. According to ...

UK , Namibia , migrants

Expert compared UK’s plan to expel refugees to other countries with WWII Nazi ghetto, why

... countries the sending of illegal migrants to these states. The leaked ... Radio . “This situation [of sending migrants out] is possible. The Brits ... ’ idea of gathering migrants from all over Europe and ... actions are being used against migrants, “Will they survive? No! Can ...

uk , Ghetto , avdonin , migrants , opinion

Trump: US in danger because of flows of migrants

... pointed out the danger that migrants arriving in the United States ... Latin America. He added that migrants do not come to the ... in the number of illegal migrants in the country to 15 ...

trump , usa , biden , europe , migrants

Expert: Lithuania and Poland ineffectively combat illegal migration

... cause even greater problems with migrants in the West, and this ... a large flow of illegal migrants travelling to the West through ... actually taking action to prevent migrants from coming, and they allowed ...

migrants , poland , lithuania , Shevtsov , opinion , Middle East

Chief of US Border Patrol: situation at the border threatens country’s national security

... the number of cases of migrants being detained at the border ...

usa , migrants

Opinion: 80,000 military personnel needed to protect US borders against migrants

... of the United States against migrants – as stated by the ex ...

usa , migrants , military

Trump: number of illegal migrants in US reached 15m

... in the number of illegal migrants in the United States to ... Trump noted that many illegal migrants in the United States served ... already be 20 million illegal migrants in the United States and ...

us , trump , biden , migrants

Media: Texas may secede from the United States after US presidential election

... law enforcement agencies to detain migrants and judges to make decisions ... United States, and also ordered migrants to be transported by bus ... 2022, 102.1 thousand illegal migrants have been sent to other ... increase in the number of migrants.

US , Texas , migrants

Trump blamed Biden for thousands illegal immigrants' crimes in US

... President Donald Trump believes that migrants who arrived in the country ...

US , Trump , Biden , migrants

Asylum seekers in EU reached 7-year high in 2023

... that stopping the flow of migrants into the EU is extremely ...

EU , migrants , border

Media: Frontex stated it’s impossible to stop migration

... guard said that stopping illegal migrants completely was not realistic. Last ...

migrants , eu , border

Musk disapproved of Biden administration's migration policy

... the red carpet’ for illegal migrants instead of securing the borders ... the red carpet!” [for illegal migrants], Musk said on his social ...


Trump said he would arrange largest deportation in US history if elected President

... are currently millions of illegal migrants in the United States, which ...

trump , Biden , usa , migrants

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