Posted: 29.02.2024 10:11:00

Asylum seekers in EU reached 7-year high in 2023

Approximately 1.1 million asylum applications were registered in 2023 in the European Union – a record number over the past seven years, TASS reports


In a press release, the EU Agency for Asylum (EUAA) reported that last year the number of asylum applications was 18 percent higher than in 2022, exceeding 1.1 million bids. It is noted that Syrians and Afghans filed the largest number of such applications. Germany ranked first in the number of asylum bids (334 thousand), followed by France (167 thousand), Spain (162 thousand) and Italy (136 thousand).

Hans Leijtens, the Executive Director of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), in an interview with Reuters, noted that stopping the flow of migrants into the EU is extremely difficult, almost impossible.