Extreme heat could make West Africa and South Asia unlivable in future

According to CNN , in a few years, West Africa and South Asia could become dangerous for human life due to climate change, TASS reports Photo: Scientists warn that these regions have a very high population density and limited access to air conditioning. A hotbed of extreme humid heat may also appear years later in some areas of the United States as global warming intensifies. According to WHO, approximately 489,000 heat-related deaths occurred each year. Meanwhile, the media ...

Africa , South Asia , US , climate change , extreme heat

Media: US, UK plan indefinite extension of nuclear weapons treaty

... to Canberra. Moreover, according to UK Defence Secretary John Healy, the ...

US , UK , nuclear weapons , Mutual Defence Agreement

CEC Chairman stressed Belarus never assessed Western countries’ electoral systems

Belarus has never assessed the electoral systems of Western countries – as underlined by Chairman of Belarus’ Central Election Commission Igor Karpenko in his talk with the STV TV channel Photo: Speaking about the ongoing election campaign in the United States, Viktor Karpenko noted, “The electoral system of the United States of America is very complicated, let’s say, it’s completely unpredictable and incomprehensible. But at the same time, it is the system of the United States. ...

Karpenko , US , CEC , electoral system

US, Chinese troops first taking part in international drills together

... China Morning Post newspaper, the US Armed Forces and the People ... several countries. Last year, the US military also participated in the ... 2016, when China joined the US-led RIMPAC exercise. In addition ...

China , US , Formosa

Opinion: Americans earned billions of US Dollars from Ukraine conflict

... authorities want to present to US President Joe Biden, as well ... settle. In 2014-2022, the US used Ukraine as some kind ... destroyed in order for the US military-industrial machine to work ... . The Americans earned billions of US Dollars from the conflict in ... economic growth rate of the US military industry is about 17 ...

Avdonin , US , Ukraine , Russia , West , Europe

Belarus’ Defence Ministry: up to 32,000 NATO troops concentrated in EU

... Poland, the processes that allow us to say that ‘Lithuania and ...

Belarus , defence ministry , NATO , EU , US , troops , militarisation

Musk: US on fast track to bankruptcy due to high costs

... X, which says that the US authorities plan to increase the ... Joe Biden’s presidency, the US national debt has grown from ...

US , Elon Musk , public debt , bankruptcy

Putin said that by its stupid actions US pushes countries to abandon Dollar

... pushed countries to abandon the US Dollar – as noted by Russian ... adjust something already, as the US sees that the tools it ...

Russia , Putin , West , US

Media: US does not help American servicemen affected by chemical weapons

... , Stars and Stripes, informed that US Army personnel who suffered from ... retardation. According to the military, US units have arrived in Iraq ...

us , iraq , chemical weapons

Order portfolio of US and EU leading defence companies reached record high

... military-industrial complex of the US and the EU – in response ...

EU , US , defence industry

Medvedev: US to continue supplying weapons to Ukraine regardless of presidential election result

The United States will continue to supply Ukraine with weapons, regardless of whether Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Kamala Harris wins the presidential election, as Washington earns money from this – as noted by Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev, TASS reports Photo: “I think none of you have any illusions: there will not be much difference between Trump and Kamala. Still, one of them will do it with a frenzy, while the other will do it more ...

Medvedev , Russia , US , Ukraine , weapons

Scientists recorded pollution of Syrian rivers in places where US extracts oil

Russian and Syrian scientists conducted exercises in Syria in the province of Homs, which showed that American oil production in their control zone in the country led to serious pollution of rivers. It is noted that it is from these reservoirs that drinking water is supplied to residents of a large region in the west of the country, TASS reports Photo: Natalia Mirzoeva, who heads the Department of Radiation and Chemical Biology at the A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the ...

Syria , US , Russia

Portugal President warned of deep political crisis in Europe

... of the outcome of the US presidential election.

Portugal , Europe , US , crisis

China’s Defence Ministry: US adhering to double standards on nuclear weapons

... that in recent years, the US has invested heavily in the ... added that China urges the US to abandon the Cold War ...

China , US , nuclear proliferation

Sweden, US to jointly develop 6G communication technologies

... statement by Sweden and the US is an addition to the ...

Sweden , US , 6G technology

Musk’s AI company accused of air pollution in US

According to CNBC , the Southern Environmental Law Centre – the largest environmental non-profit organisation in the south-eastern United States – accused Elon Musk’s artificial intelligence company xAI of air pollution due to the abnormal use of gas turbines to generate electricity in Tennessee, RIA Novosti reports photo: According to the environmental organisation, xAI ‘has installed at least 18 gas combustion turbines over the last several months’ in the city of Memphis in ...

US , Elon Musk , AI , ecology

Lukashenko explained what keeps US global leadership

... many technologies originated in the US, and there is a reason ... for this, “The US prints money, being able to ... . Like a vacuum cleaner, the US pulled the best minds from ... have all rushed to the US due to good conditions created ... there. Moreover, after WWII, the US became largely a monopolist and ... long as they monopolise the US Dollar and print it, they ... know what to do with us: if they try to be ...

Lukashenko , President , US

Trump declared nuclear weapons as biggest problem for US and entire world

US presidential candidate Donald Trump believes that nuclear weapons are the main problem of the United States and the whole world, TASS reports photo: Donald Trump noted that ‘the biggest problem facing the United States and the whole world right now is nuclear weapons’. According to him, they are a destructive force the likes of which nobody has ever seen before. Trump said the world must make sure ‘they’re never used’.

Trump , US , nuclear weapons

Xi Jinping: China, US must co-operate for the benefit of entire world

... .ru During a meeting with US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan ... the United States will meet us halfway and view China and ...

China , US , Xi Jinping

Media: about 100 terrorists crossed US border within two years

... connivance of the administration of US President Joe Biden and Vice ... It is reported that the US Border Patrol detained more than ...

US , terrorism

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