Posted: 12.12.2023 11:29:00

Opinion: Belarus’ foreign policy currently paying much attention to eastern direction

The high status of all-weather and comprehensive Belarusian-Chinese co-operation is confirmed by trade turnover which saw a record – almost $6bn – last year. This year, the parties crossed this level in early autumn. As a result of the top-level meeting, Aleksandr Lukashenko and Xi Jinping were pleased with how the previously reached agreements were being implemented. However, time demands to increase the pace, and political scientist Yuri Shevtsov speculated on this topic.

“The collective West is making every effort to push Belarus and Russia out of the markets under its control. The importance of the European Union as a trading partner was quite significant for our country, so at one time the question arose about adequate alternatives, enabling us to continue realising our export potential. One of these alternatives is the development of comprehensive, including trade, co-operation with our long-time partner: China. Markets in which China has long gained strong and advantageous positions are also of great interest to our country. Today in Belarusian foreign policy there is a broad turn towards the eastern direction as one of the most promising. The same trend is observed in our closest partner – Russia,” the political scientist noted.