Belarus has become a full-fledged member of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO)

The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, has taken part in the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation summit in Astana, Kazakhstan belta Completing the procedure for Belarus’ accession to the SCO as a member state was the main item on the summit’s agenda for Belarus. Aleksandr Lukashenko called it symbolic that Belarus joined the SCO in the year when it marks the 80th anniversary of liberation from the Nazi invaders. “This is a wonderful gift to the Belarusian people,” said the Head of State. ...

Lukashenko , President , Belarus , SCO , Kazakhstan , membership , meetings

Belarus officially joined SCO

A decision on the membership of the Republic of Belarus ...

Belarus , SCO , membership , President

Shevtsov explained why Red Cross suspended BRC membership

... Red Crescent Societies suspended the membership of the Belarusian Red Cross ...

red cross , Shevtsov , membership

SCO Secretary General confirms receipt of Belarus’ application for membership in the organisation

Secretary General of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO) Zhang Ming said at a briefing that Belarus has officially applied to join the organisation as a full member, adding that all the necessary procedures for this will begin soon, BelTA reports Photo by the press service of the Russian Foreign Ministry/TASS Belarus still has observer status in this international organisation, enabling the country to take part in meetings of the SCO Council of Heads of Government, as well as ...

SCO , Belarus , membership

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