Expert on violence on Belarus’ western borders: Polish and Lithuanian border guards are infected with ideas of chauvinism

The Investigative Committee of Belarus has reported on new facts in the list of crimes against humanity. The department is currently investigating three criminal cases against officials from Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, which were initiated due to acts of cruelty at the border. In the case against Polish officials, almost 170 citizens of foreign countries who were in transit through Belarus to the EU countries have been recognised as victims. In his talk with Alfa Radio , a deputy of the House ...

border , Baltic States , poland , Belarus , gigin , opinion , crime , latvia , lithuania

Belarus’ Prosecutor General took part in international scientific and practical conference on fighting crime

... practical conference – Problems of Fighting Crime and Training Personnel for Law ...

Belarus , Prosecutor General , conference , crime

MP explained how crime-related problem can be solved in the West

Crime rates will decrease significantly if ... so that there is no crime. No need to play geopolitics ... problems.” According to the MP, crime figures would be lower if ... and solving social issues, then crime figures would be lower. In ...

west , crime , gaidukevich , opinion

Terespol gates to hell

The authorities of interwar Poland carried out inhuman experiments on prisoners in Brest, leaving them no chance for life In 2021, Newsweek Polska published a lengthy interview with historian Bartosz Wieliński, deputy editor of Gazeta Wyborcza and author of Bad Germans, a collection of portraits of people drugged by National Socialism. In it, the historian spoke about the terrible experiments that Nazi doctors during the World War II carried out on concentration camp prisoners, children, and the ...

sensation , history , Poland , inhuman , experiments , prisoners , Brest , crime

Shved: Belarus now has lowest crime rate in five years

Belarus today has the lowest crime rate in the last five ... . We now have the lowest crime rate in five years. Violent ... . Significantly fewer people suffered from crime. In general, the situation is ...

Shved , Prosecutor General's Office , crime

Expert: UN completely discredited itself in the context of Ukraine situation

... Ukrainian soldiers as a war crime. However, according to the organisation ...

UN , Ukraine , Russia , crime

Americanist: US crime figures growing

A rise in crime figures is registered in the ... due to the rise of crime,” Mr. Dudakov explained. The expert ... a serious crisis related to crime, “It began with the pandemic ...

us , crime , weapons

Those who are ready to live peacefully and create value for their country should not be rejected by society

... and political situation and the crime rate in the country, which ... of today’s talk is crime, the crime rate in the country ...

Lukashenko , meeting , socio-political situation , crime , citizenship

Europol: large network of criminal groups liquidated in Europe

A large-scale international campaign involving law enforcement agencies from eleven countries resulted in the elimination of a large network of criminal groups engaged into various illegal activities – as stated by European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Co-operation (Europol), TASS reports Photo: As informed, 44 persons suspected on belonging to a high-risk criminal network in the European Union were detained during the operation. Following the investigation, it was ...

europe , Accident , crime

London Mayor warns of rise in violence due to high inflation

... have made in tackling violent crime,” Mr. Khan said. In July ...

UK , London , crime

US driven primarily by economic benefits

People in Belarus and Russia need to be guided by their own minds, values and historical memory, paying less attention to the US-led West infected with the virus of neo-Nazism, believes Valery Yanchuk, an Associate Professor of the Civil Law and Civil Procedure Department at Vitebsk’s Masherov State University Photo: “Rampant criminality in the Unites States indicates that the country is as far from genuine democracy as far the Earth is from Mars,” Mr. Yanchuk noted. “Based on ...

us , crime

Person accused of committing acts of terrorism detained in Minsk

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Belarus has authorised the application of a preventive measure in the form of detention against a 45-year-old resident of the Belarusian capital, who is charged with committing acts of terrorism, damaging property in a generally dangerous way – as reported on the official website of the supervisory authority Photo: It follows from the materials of the criminal case that on January 8 th , 2022, the man set off an explosive device, which ...

Prosecutor General’s Office , crime , terrorism

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