From bullying to gunshots

... wins November’s US presidential election. Following his mission to Russia ... in the November 2024 presidential election. By Aleksei Avdonin, analyst at ...

politics , USA , White House , assassination , attempt , Donald Trump , gunshot , presidential , elections , international , security , operations

Elections in Belarus will be held in an honest, proper and decent manner

... Lukashenko has received Central Election Commission Chairman Igor Karpenko ... the preparations for the presidential elections. Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed, “If ... organisational issues of the upcoming elections, including inviting international observers ... State mentioned the recently staged ‘elections’ among fugitive opponents, noting ... interview with journalists, Central Election Commission Chairman Igor Karpenko revealed ... observers to the upcoming presidential elections in Belarus. Igor Karpenko ...

Lukashenko , President , Chairman , Belarusian People’s Congress , Central Election Commission , Igor Karpenko , meeting , elections

CEC Chairman on elections: issues of security and ensuring electoral sovereignty have top priority

The Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Belarus (CEC), Igor ... the chairmanship from the Central Election Commission of Uzbekistan. The CEC ... we will hold the presidential elections in some new electronic format ...

Belarus , CEC , Karpenko , elections

Lukashenko: we must hold presidential elections properly

... receiving a report from Central Election Commission Chairman Igor Karpenko Speaking ... about the upcoming presidential election campaign, the Head of ... are able to hold these elections honestly and decently, especially ... against the background of the ‘elections’ of our fugitives.” The ... that journalists often talk about elections among opponents: in particular, ... themselves as the elected ones. The ‘parliament’ was elected, they went ... legislation for the upcoming presidential elections; it worked well on ...

Lukashenko , Belarus , CEC , Karpenko , elections

Lukashenko presented certificate of Chairman of Belarusian People’s Congress by CEC Head

... by Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) Igor Karpenko. On ... , the Head of State was elected Chairman of the Belarusian People ... the Chairman of the Central Election Commission. — Yes. Allow me to ... children about the Constitution, about elections. That’s a good idea ... . Continuing the topic of the elections, the Belarusian leader stressed that ... at least about the presidential elections, when it is better to ... discuss some details of these elections, from inviting international observers to ...

Lukashenko , Belarus , President , elections

CEC Chairman: decision on holding Presidential elections to be made by House of Representatives

... on the appointment of Presidential elections will be made by the ... the Chairman of the Central Election Commission, Igor Karpenko, in ... , formed both houses of Parliament, elected delegates of the Belarusian People ... preparatory period of the Presidential election campaign,” the Chairman of the ... Central Election Commission said. “In short, ... Mr. Karpenko stressed that the election of the President will be ... with that decision – the Central Election Commission will approve a calendar ...

Karpenko , CIS , elections

Belarusian expert: Peter Pellegrini's victory in presidential elections means strengthening Slovak statehood

... Pellegrini, won the Slovak presidential elections. Earlier, he had already announced ... that if elected as head of state, he ... 's victory in the presidential elections in Slovakia is a strengthening ... there are practically no democratic elections in Europe, “We understand that ... there had been truly democratic elections in France, Germany, and Poland ...

expert , opinion , slovakia , elections , gaidukevich

First day of voting in presidential election kicked off in Russia

The Russian presidential election will be held on March ... across Russia. The country's Election Commission said that the turnout ... in the presidential elections as a whole across the ...

Russia , voting , elections

Single Voting Day: main results and trends

... 29th convocation have been elected. The Central Election Commission established the official ... district and 5,411 precinct election commissions. There were initially ... were refused registration by district election commissions, and eight people withdrew ... were accredited from the central election authorities of Azerbaijan, Armenia, ... OSCE observers to the parliamentary elections. Their presence would create ... legitimacy of the elections. The mission recognises the elections as transparent, legitimate ...

single voting day , deputies , elections , Belarus

The tradition of popular sovereignty

Participation in elections is a guarantee of both ...

single voting day , elections , democracy , sovereignty , Belarusian People’s Congress

No radical scenario will work in Belarus

... observers and members of the election commission, received the ballots, ... would participate in the presidential elections as a candidate next ... be rocked until the presidential elections, and that the latter ... to go before the presidential elections, and a lot can ... we will approach the 2025 elections with.” The President added ... does not participate in the elections as a candidate — you ... the same manner until the elections — at this.” In his ... Single Voting Day and our elections. We will elect absolutely ...

Lukashenko , Belarus , single voting day , elections

MP: Single Voting Day drew a line under Belarus’ political cycle

... 2017, when the county held elections to local councils of deputies ... and the MPs were later elected. In 2020, the life- ... defining presidential elections took place, and we then ... , our people were actually electing not deputies of all levels ... by the turnout at the elections and their results. People demonstrated ... country has changed after the elections, “Everything that we have ... MP – were delighted with the elections. With this in view, ... teach Europe how to hold elections. “In turn, we will ...

Belarus , single voting day , elections , europe , democracy , gaidukevich , opinion

Russia’s State Duma Chairman: Single Voting Day results proved Belarusians’ absolute support of Aleksandr Lukashenko

... on the victory in the elections held in the country, sb ... accordance with the updated Constitution, elections in Belarus were held on ... Russia. The results of the elections to the Parliament and local ... as observers at the recent elections in Belarus. In their statement ... Duma deputies noted that the elections had been held openly, competitively ...

volodin , single voting day , elections , Belarus , Lukashenko

Russian FM: Moscow stands in solidarity with high assessment of observers to Belarus’ elections

... organisation of voting during the elections of deputies in Belarus, sb ... states have recognised that the elections in Belarus met national legislation ...

russia , Belarus , elections

Lebedev: Belarus' decision not to invite OSCE observers was logical and justified

... invite OSCE observers to the elections was logical and justified – as ... and reproaches for the ‘undemocratic’ elections while the latter were in ... of State declared that the elections in Belarus had allegedly been ... well-organised conduct of the elections.”

Lukashenko , Lebedev , elections , osce

EEC Board Chairman on Belarus’ elections: highly positive assessment

... who participated in monitoring the election campaign in Belarus, in particular ... the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Kazakhstan, Deputy Secretary ... went well and calmly on election day.”

Lukashenko , eec , elections

International observer: Belarus has serious competition in elections

... struggle for power in this election campaign. “There were at least ...

elections in Belarus , elections , single voting day , observers

CIS mission observer: Belarus is example for Russia in many ways

Nikolai Burlyaev, an international observer from the CIS observation mission, shared his impressions about Belarus’ Single Voting Day “I visited nine polling stations on February 25 th , and I saw the atmosphere of joy and celebration there. Children were dancing, and songs – pleasingly, right – were being sung. I talked to those who worked with documents, who handed ballots out to citizens, and also with ordinary people. Importantly, they demonstrated complete unanimity. Some figures in ...

elections , single voting day , Belarus , russia

Lukashenko: current government supported by over 87% of Belarus’ population

... the observation mission monitoring the elections to the House of Representatives ... see the turnout [in the elections to the House of Representatives ... such a turnout during the elections of deputies to the councils ... perfectly well. So, in this election cycle we need to analyse ... will come to the Presidential elections in even greater numbers.” At ... had many innovations during the election campaign, “We introduced a Single ... Voting Day, electing the entire vertical of representative ...

Lukashenko , Lebedev , CIS , elections

Expert: voter turnout showed Belarus passed political maturity test

... voter turnout showed that the elections were held perfectly. “We have ... voting period shows that this election campaign does not differ in ...

elections in Belarus , elections , single voting day , BISR

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