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Is the confrontation between politicians and tech giants ... revenge? The outcome of this confrontation remains unclear at the backdrop ... . According to Pertsov, we are confronted by an effective high-tech ...

technology , tech giants , Google , politicians , confrontation , USA , EU

New round of escalation

... is Americans who are inciting confrontation there now.” During a working ...

Middle East , Iran , Israel , escalation , assassination , Ismail Haniyeh , Hezbollah , IDF , confrontation

Highways of war

Why is the West inflaming passions on the border with Belarus and Russia? Several influential Western media outlets, including The Economist, The Telegraph and The Daily Mail, have recently revealed the information that NATO is armed with a developed step-by-step plan for the deployment of 300,000 soldiers to the borders of the Union State of Belarus and Russia. As stated in the publications, this logistics strategy has been reserved solely in case Russia dares to attack one of the NATO ...

Belarus , Russia , West , NATO , expansion , Ukraine , confrontation , border , military , deployment , east

Field of battle and co-operation

... emerging as the arena of confrontation between world powers and struggle ... enough to succeed in this confrontation. What is needed is economic ...

africa , co-operation , confrontation

Chip is no rescue ranger

... , the driving force of the confrontation was the situation around Washington ...

China , USA , confrontation , technology , chip , TikTok , sanctions

Deceiving means admitting defeat

... current phase of the civilisational confrontation between East and West as ... Forces of Ukraine in the confrontation with the Russian Armed Forces ...

west , world , EU , NATO , Minsk agreements , peace , formula , confrontation

The monstrous grin of militarism

... longer than originally intended. The confrontation between Moscow and the collective ...

militarism , EU , NATO , aggression , confrontation , military footing

US says it doesn’t see conflict or cold war with China as inevitable

... from veering into conflict or confrontation. “One of the key elements ...

US , China , confrontation

Duda and the bomb

Why Poland needs American nuclear weapons In early October, the idea of transferring American atomic bombs to the territory of our western neighbour passed from the stage of empty talk into a practical plane — President Andrzej Duda announced that his country had already begun negotiations with Washington on the conditions for deploying special munitions as part of the notorious Nuclear Sharing program. True, the State Department denied such plans, but, as you know, there is no smoke without ...

nuclear weapon , bomb , NATO , conflict , confrontation

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