Expert: US double standards on nuclear weapons threaten global stability

As declared by Joe Biden’s administration, American nuclear weapons are designed to warn America's opponents. In his talk with sb.by, military expert Igor Chibisov explained how the new nuclear strategy recently signed by the US President can affect global geopolitics. “The document outlining the possible use of nuclear weapons is updated by the US authorities every four years. After the end of WWII, nuclear weapons act as a deterrent that prevents the United States from unleashing World War III ...

usa , nuclear weapons , Chibisov , opinion

Expert: BRICS may undermine Dollar's hegemony in international trade

Turkiye has submitted a formal application to join BRICS, as it has got disappointed about the decades-long attempt to join the European Union. During his visit to China, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said the bloc is a good alternative to the EU. As noted by political expert Vadim Borovik in his talk with Alfa Radio , BRICS is transforming into the strongest economic entity, and its expansion will continue. “The BRICS share of global GDP in terms of purchasing power parity has reached ...

BRICS , dollar , trade , opinion

Opinion: sanctions against Belarus harm the whole planet

The Belarusian delegation has recently taken part in the Summit of the Future at the UN headquarters in New York. Belarusians stated that they have neither internal contradictions nor claims against other states. As noted by the National Co-ordinator of Belarus for Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly, Sergei Khomenko, the country values good-neighbourly relations and friendship between peoples. At the same time ...

sanctions , sustainable development goals , Belyaev , opinion

Expert: Belarus keen on unification processes within BRICS

The BRICS summit will be held in Russia’s Kazan on October 22nd-24th. Director of the Centre for European Integration, political scientist Yuri Shevtsov shared with the sb.by portal how effectively this largest international association is developing and what hopes Belarus pin on it. “Based on the organisation’s growing role in building a new, more just and equitable world order, the upcoming summit will be a notable event in international life. This meeting is important for our country and the ...

Expert , opinion , Belarus , BRICS , Shevtsov

Expert: wars in Europe are best way for Americans to solve internal economic problems

The West was constantly waging invasive wars, and the heirs of colonialists are now coming up with chauvinistic, fascist slogans – as noted by Vladimir Pertsov, the Deputy Head of Belarus President Administration, in his talk with the Belarus 1 TV channel Photo: video screenshot Earlier, The Washington Post reported that the city of Scranton in the US state of Pennsylvania is making money from the Ukrainian conflict: a factory manufacturing ammunition for the Ukrainian Armed Forces operates ...

Pertsov , opinion , usa , West

Expert: US will face international tribunal as instigator of war in the Middle East

The outbreak of war in the Middle East had its first anniversary on October 7 th . Since that date in 2023, the conflict has been escalating. However, as noted by an expert from the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies, Aleksei Avdonin, the events preceding that date should also be taken into account. In his talk with the Minsk-Moscow Union State live streaming , he noted that the military conflict had been planned by the United States in detail. “On September 2nd, 2023, the NATO command ...

usa , Middle East , avdonin , opinion

Expert: Warsaw saw grounds for solving ‘most difficult problems’ between Poland and Belarus

In his talk with sb.by, political expert Piotr Petrovsky speculated on why Western countries are building a new Berlin Wall, why Poland and the Baltic States are aggravating relations with Belarus and destroying business contacts between the states, and what their policy is rooted in “Official Warsaw has finally seen the grounds for solving ‘the most difficult problems’ between Poland and Belarus, and this was recently announced by Tomasz Siemoniak, the Minister of the Interior and ...

poland , Belarus , petrovsky , opinion

Expert on prospects for co-operation between Belarusian Women’s Union and BRICS

... Women's Business Alliance will open a regional office of the ... market is. This interaction will open up new opportunities for our ...

Belarusian Women’s Union , BRICS , Shpilevskaya , opinion

Expert: real protection of citizens' rights means protection of socially vulnerable and disadvantaged persons

According to a report prepared by an international group of experts for the G20 Summit in Brazil and dedicated to global housing problems, about 40 percent of the world's population will not have their own accommodation by 2030. According to G20 experts, the housing crisis is caused by a number of negative global trends, several types of crisis (geopolitical, economic, environmental), as well as problems related to security and healthcare. Political expert Vadim Borovik, a deputy of the Minsk ...

Borovik , opinion , homelessness , social protection

Opinion: EU politicians ignore Ukraine's connection with Nazis to justify their help to Kiev

European politicians cannot afford to publicly admit that there are Nazis in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since this will then cast a shadow on their efforts to provide military and economic support to Kiev – as stated by French Army Colonel Caroline Galacteros, who heads the Paris-based analytical centre Geopragma, TASS reports photo: www.reuters.com Commenting on the use of Nazi symbols by the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the attack on the Kursk Region of the Russian Federation, Ms. ...

eu , Ukraine , france , opinion

Expert: Belarusian army monitors modern armed conflicts and ready to adapt promptly

President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko visited the 230th Obuz-Lesnovsky Combined Arms Training Range on September 24 th , and the prospects for the development of unmanned aircraft and electronic warfare, taking into account the experience of modern armed conflicts, were discussed there. In his talk with Alfa Radio , Aleksei Avdonin, an expert at the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies, explained what the Belarusian army is focusing on at present. Mr. Avdonin stressed that the ...

army , Belarus , avdonin , opinion

Expert: it is necessary to prevent Western interference in Belarus’ presidential campaign

Belarus has entered a new electoral period. Single Voting Day and the election of delegates to the Belarusian People's Congress are already in the past, but the presidential campaign is soon to be launched. The Chairman of the Central Election Committee, Igor Karpenko, said that – against the background of the future elections – fugitives who claim some kind of power in Belarus, even though staying abroad, are encroaching on the electoral sovereignty of the republic. In his talk with Alfa Radio ...

Belarus , West , europe , presidential campaign , Shevtsov , opinion

MP on who wants the war in Ukraine to continue and who makes money on it

Only those who are making money on people’s grief wish the conflict in Ukraine to continue – as stated by Oleg Gaidukevich, the Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on International Affairs of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus, in his talk with Alfa Radio “Everyone is tired of Ukraine, and only the forces that are earning money as a result of this war are an exception. They are in the White House, and the financial flows into their pockets are stable. Would ...

gaidukevich , opinion , Ukraine , usa , war

Expert: Western countries not against building new iron curtain

Against the background of Poland’s statements of the migration crisis, Belarus has opened its borders not only to citizens of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, but also to residents of other European countries, thus taking asymmetric measures – as noted by political expert Piotr Petrovsky “Western countries have set their sights on building of a new iron curtain. One of the pressure levels is to create discomfort for all those who wish to travel to Belarus, and this is achieved by cancelling air and ...

petrovsky , eu , border , opinion , visa-free regime

Expert: Europe should be grateful to Lukashenko, Putin for their restraint

Western countries continue to create tension on the western borders of the Union State in order to provoke an armed incident and create a pretext for aggression against Belarus and Russia, and Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on International Affairs of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Oleg Gaidukevich commented on the issue “The United States has set itself a specific task,” the expert noted. “As it believes, the country has three competitors: China, ...

Belarus , Russia , europe , gaidukevich , opinion

Military expert: US stubbornly adhering to nuclear deterrence based on use of nuclear weapons first

The Americans are spinning a narrative about the nuclear threat, coming primarily from China, finding an excuse to gain a strategic advantage. This particular country is of special concern for the White House, since the PRC has not joined any agreement on limiting and controlling the production of nuclear weapons. Military analyst Igor Chibisov contemplated on how the relations in the field of nuclear safety between the two countries can develop in the future. “The US concern about China’s ...

Opinion , expert , Chibisov , US , Russia , China , nuclear weapons

Expert: violation of European laws concerning migrants is fraught with EU-Poland conflict

By joining the European Union, Poland has committed itself to comply with European laws concerning migrants, but it does not actually want to follow them, and this could lead to a conflict with Brussels – as noted by the Dean of the Journalism Department at the Belarusian State University, political expert Aleksei Belyaev, in his talk with Alfa Radio According to the expert, the migration crisis in Europe will intensify, “The Polish authorities have officially allowed shooting at illegal ...

poland , eu , migrants , Belyaev , opinion

Expert: extended visa-free regime underlines Belarus' desire to be open and transparent to the whole world

... underlines Belarus' desire to be open and transparent to the whole ... a lifestyle for Belarus to open the borders and impose no ...

visa-free regime , Belarus , eu , Belyaev , opinion

MP on Polish politicians’ call to shoot down Russian missiles over Ukraine: they are pushing the world towards terrible tragedy

Polish politicians who call for shooting down Russian missiles over Ukrainian territory are encouraging Russia to bomb Poland – as noted by the Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on International Affairs of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus, Oleg Gaidukevich, in his talk with SB TV Photo: video screenshot As noted by the MP, Poland, Lithuania and some other European countries are just like clowns. “Every day they ask one and the same question: ‘Putin, why ...

gaidukevich , war , poland , america , opinion , Russia

Expert: Poland's modern elites formed on the basis of anti-people processes in late 1980s

Polish residents are shocked by what representatives of the Law and Justice party have been doing for years: they were actually robbing citizens and – by using fictitious pretexts and occupying the most important positions in the country – were covering for each other and avoiding responsibility. An audit launched by the coalition led by Donald Tusk has uncovered criminal schemes, including those involving government contracts: millions of Dollars went to the accounts of fraudsters. Political ...

poland , corruption , elites , petrovsky , opinion

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