State Border Committee: another dead refugee found on Latvian border

... ’s brutal policy towards ‘wrong refugees’, among whom there were even ... to save each of the refugees,” the Belarusian border department added ...

Belarus , Latvia , Poland , border , refugee , State Border Committee

Dead foreigner found on border with Poland

... is the third death of refugees since early 2023 on the ...

Belarus , State Border Committee , refugee , Poland

Dead Iranian refugee found on Belarusian-Polish border

... a dead 32-year-old refugee from Iran, with an acquaintance ... . Polish security forces discovered the refugees and, instead of providing medical ... man to drag the exhausted refugee to the fence. He failed ... , Polish security forces pushed the refugees into Belarus through an animal ... inhumanity of uniformed mercenaries towards refugees continues to be shocking. Having ... ’, for whom the lives of refugees are worthless, would definitely be ... have recorded nine deaths of refugees on the border with Poland ...

Belarus , Poland , refugee , state border committee , Investigative Committee

State Border Committee: another refugee became victim of violence by Polish security forces

... cruel and inhumane treatment of refugees, continues to mutilate foreigners: according ... security forces beat up a refugee on August 23 rd Photo ... the border with Poland. The refugee said that he had been ...

refugee , State Border Committee , poland

State Border Committee: Polotsk guards found refugee corpse on border with Latvia

... the sixth death of a refugee on the border with Latvia ...

border , latvia , refugee

State Border Committee: refugee from Egypt died after being tortured by Polish security forces

... Polish side continues to maltreat refugees with impunity, pushing beaten and ... forces once again threw two refugees out through an animal gate ... ambulance team, which pronounced the refugee dead. The Syrian citizen was ... the policy of genocide against refugees from the East, taking advantage ...

belarys , poland , refugee , State Border Committee

Poland’s PM calls EU migration policy ‘discriminatory’

... more than three million [Ukrainian] refugees,” Morawiecki said, adding that one ... money from Brussels for accepting refugees from Ukraine compared to the ... the case of an unaccepted refugee from the Middle East, they ...

Poland , refugee , EU , policy

Poles less willing to help Ukrainian refugees, poll shows

... less willing to help Ukrainian refugees who arrive in their country ... opposed the admission of Ukrainian refugees. Moreover, compared with previous studies ... of respondents believe that Ukrainian refugees should not be given the ... recently his attitude towards Ukrainian refugees has changed. The survey was ...

Poland , Ukraine , refugee , assistance

Refugee in need of medical assistance found on border with Lithuania by Belarusian border guards

... border guards have found a refugee who needed medical assistance – according ... the territory of Lithuania. The refugee asked for protection and asylum ... . Their actions deliberately put the refugee’s life in mortal danger ...

Belarus , Lithuania , border , refugee , state border committee

Another corpse of a refugee found on border with Poland

... used by EU countries against refugees who face brutality and violence ...

poland , refugee , border

Belarus’ State Border Committee: the body of a refugee found near Polish fence

... the beginning of 2023, fifteen refugees have died on the Belarusian ...

State Border Committee , poland , refugee

Fifth dead refugee found on border with Poland since early 2023

... the fifth death of a refugee on the border with Poland ...

Belarus , Poland , border , refugee , State Border Committee

Lithuanian border guards found dead refugee near Belarusian border

On April 6th, Lithuanian border guards found a dead body of a refugee near the Belarusian border – as reported by the State Border Committee of Belarus in its Telegram channel According to the information of the Lithuanian border guards, cited by the State Border Committee, on April 6th, the dead body of a man, presumably an Indian citizen, was found in the Disna River in the Ignalina Region. Other details of what happened and the cause of death of a foreigner are not currently given.

Belarus , Lithuania , border , refugee , State Border Committee

Two more cases of ousting of refugees recorded on the border with Poland

... forces continue to forcibly push refugees to Belarus, with State Border ... the border with Belarus. The refugees were driven out through the ... violation of the rights of refugees,” the State Border Committee said ...

Belarus , Poland , border , State Border Committee , refugee

Refugee corpse found on Belarus-Poland border

... migration policy has killed another refugee, Belarus’ State Border Committee reports ... erect new EU-funded fences, refugees continue to die on the ... the third death of a refugee on the border with Poland ...

State Border Committee , refugee , poland

Polish security forces threw away another dead refugee

... , which legitimised the mistreatment of refugees, continues to kill people – as ... the 12th death of a refugee as a result of the ...

State Border Committee , Belarus , Poland , refugee , border

Body of a refugee found on border territory with Poland

... lifeless body of an Arab refugee not far from the border ... the lives and rights of refugees who, in response to appeals ...

Investigative Committee , border , poland , refugee

State Border Committee: ‘deportation’ of refugees failed at Lithuanian border

... incident with the ‘deportation’ of refugees on the Lithuanian border occurred ... servicemen led a group of refugees to the Belarusian border, ordered ... of humanitarian packages to all refugees in need are in practice ...

State Border Committee , Belarus , Lithuania , border , refugee

Refugee corpse found near Polish fence on Belarus’ border

... was in critical condition. The refugee also said that Polish security ... . Earlier, the bodies of the refugees were found by Belarusian border ...

State Border Committee , poland , refugee

Lithuanian security forces forced refugee to drag dead body across the border

... death of one of the refugees, and the other was taken ... , a dead body of a refugee was also found on the ...

State Border Committee , Belarus , Lithuania , border , refugee

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