Posted: 07.06.2023 15:37:00

Another corpse of a refugee found on border with Poland

On the evening of June 6th, the body of a 20-year-old citizen of the Democratic Republic of the Congo was found on the border with Poland, Belarus’ Investigative Committee reports in its Telegram channel

"An investigative task force was working at the scene. An investigator with the involvement of the State Forensic Examinations Committee’s specialists of the Grodno Region conducted an inspection. A backpack with personal belongings and a mobile phone were found with the deceased," the source informed.

During the inspection by the Berestovitsa District Department of the Investigative Committee, the circumstances of the incident will be established. A medical examination has been appointed to determine the cause of death.

The source stressed that Polish mercenaries continue the ‘large-scale policy of genocide’, which has long been used by EU countries against refugees who face brutality and violence in search of peace.