Posted: 22.11.2022 10:24:00

Lithuanian security forces forced refugee to drag dead body across the border

On the evening of November 17th, Belarusian border guards found two foreigners on the border with Lithuania, one of them being dead – as reported by the State Border Committee of Belarus in its Telegram channel

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Arriving doctors recorded the death of one of the refugees, and the other was taken to the hospital with bruises, signs of frostbite and exhaustion.

During the interrogation, the Afghan citizen explained that the Lithuanian military brought him together with the dead body to the border fence. Then, at gunpoint, they forced to drag the dead body of his comrade through the gate to the Belarusian side.

An investigative team arrived at the scene to clarify the circumstances and causes of death. Investigations are currently underway.

On October 2nd, a dead body of a refugee was also found on the Belarusian-Polish border near the gate in the Polish fence.