Number of Palestinian deaths exceeded 37.2 thousand people since October 2023

The Gaza Ministry of Health has reported ... of Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip since October 2023 exceeded ... victims of Israeli aggression in Gaza has increased to 37,202 ... ,932 people were injured. The Gaza Ministry of Health added that ...

gaza , israel , palestine

Ex-CIA analyst said there’s proxy world war now

... conflict, the situation in the Gaza Strip, as well as a ...

US , Ukraine , Israel , Gaza , Iranm conflict

Media: Egypt asked Americans to help in strengthening its borders due to Gaza situation

... secure its border with the Gaza Strip in preparation for Israel ...

Egypt , US , Gaza

Nebenzia: UN Security Council meetings useless if the US fails to take Charter into account

... resolution on the ceasefire in Gaza,” Mr. Nebenzia stated. Earlier, when ... demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza is not binding, Russia’s ... that the fire in the Gaza Strip be stopped immediately during ...

russia , usa , Nebenzia , gaza , un

UN: 25% of Gaza population one step away from famine

... 570 thousand residents of the Gaza Strip are ‘one step away ... 576,000 people in the Gaza Strip – one quarter of the ... age of two in northern Gaza suffers from acute malnutrition and ... if the situation in the Gaza Strip remains unchanged, then there ... have been killed in the Gaza Strip since the start of ...

Gaza , UN

Netanyahu: Israeli operation in southern Gaza’s Rafah inevitable

... of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip is inevitable, adding that ...

Israel , Gaza

Egypt accepted 2,200+ wounded from Gaza for treatment

... thousand injured residents of the Gaza Strip since the beginning of ... 2.2 thousand wounded from Gaza and performed more than 1 ... to the residents of the Gaza Strip’ and drew attention to ...

egypt , gaza , medical assistance

WHO: vaccination failures and lack of medicines exacerbates risk of infections in Gaza

... of infectious diseases in the Gaza Strip, TASS reports photo: www ... disruption of routine vaccinations in Gaza, as well as the lack ... of deploying mobile labs in Gaza.

WHO , Gaza

Gaza post-war housing reconstruction to cost at least $15bn

... destroyed by bombing in the Gaza Strip – as stated by Palestinian ... or partially damaged in the Gaza Strip since the start of ...

Gaza , Palestine , Israel

UN: half of Gazans suffer from hunger

... ) reported that half of the Gaza Strip residents are starving, and ... reported that 50 percent of Gaza’s population is in a ... .2 million residents has reached Gaza. The situation in the northern ...

Gaza , UN , hunger

UN experts: Israel's war in Gaza could escalate into genocide of Palestinians if fire not stopped

Israel's military actions in Gaza could escalate into genocide of ... ‘total destruction’, and ‘erasure’ of Gaza, the need to ‘finish them ...

un , gaza , genocide , palestine

Israeli Ambassador to US opposed Gaza Strip transfer under UN control

... 's proposal to transfer the Gaza Strip under the control of ...

israel , gaza , palestine

Nightmare over for Belarusians rescued from Gaza

... the Belarusians rescued from the Gaza Strip are available, the Pul ... at the border with the Gaza Strip by the State Security ... their family members from the Gaza Strip. 43 people passed through ...

gaza , Belarusians , President

Iran said presence of external players destabilises situation in the Middle East

... the current crisis in the Gaza Strip, Iran has been constantly ...

gaza , israel , palestine , iran

More children died in Gaza in three weeks than in the world in a year

... killed in three weeks in Gaza has exceeded the number of ... of children reported killed in Gaza over the past three weeks ... 7,703 people killed in Gaza. Save the Children stressed that ...

gaza , children , killed

Egypt ready to create camps in Rafah for Gaza refugees

... that camps for refugees from Gaza will be located 3km from ... Palestinians – fleeing from the northern Gaza territories – will be provided with ... strongly opposes sending refugees from Gaza to the Sinai Peninsula. According ...

egypt , gaza

Opinion: Middle East is hot spot that attracts attention of whole world

The escalated conflict in the Middle East has a potential to provoke very serious geopolitical changes and an economic crisis – as noted by Aleksandr Osenko, the Director General of Stolichnoye TV JSC, in his talk with Alfa Radio Speculating on whether the Palestinian-Israeli conflict will result in an increased unrest in Europe, the expert noted, “Definitely, it will affect Europe. Recession broke out in Europe after the Six-Day War, when the Arab countries – that own large volumes of ...

Ukraine , palestine , gaza , israel , osenko , opinion

Israeli Ambassador: ground operation in Gaza will start unexpectedly

... Israeli ground operation in the Gaza Strip will begin unexpectedly, without ... of a ground operation in Gaza, the Israeli diplomat noted that ... whether an operation in the Gaza Strip could begin in the ...

gaza , israel

Cairo, Amman rejected policy of resettling Palestinians from Gaza

... of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip through the Rafah checkpoint ...

Cairo , Amman , palestine , egypt , refugees , gaza

Scotland ready to accept refugees from Gaza

... shelter to residents of the Gaza Strip, and they addressed the ... scheme for residents of the Gaza Strip who have the desire ... evacuation of wounded civilians from Gaza. According to him, Scotland is ...

Scotland , Britain , gaza

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