FM: 1,300+ children from Syria recuperated in Belarus since 2017

More than 1,300 Syrian youngsters have recuperated in Belarus since 2017, reports with reference to the Belarusian Foreign Ministry’s press service The humanitarian programme is being implemented upon the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus. photos:

Belarus , Syria , children , foreign ministry

State Secretary of Union State: work on providing humanitarian assistance to Donbass children will continue

... on providing humanitarian assistance to children of Donbass will continue this ... provide humanitarian assistance to Donbass children. As for the gross, shameless ... remind you that 2,150 children have been rehabilitated in the ... put pressure on Belarus, where children from the Donetsk and Lugansk ...

Mezentsev , Donbass , Union State , children , rehabilitation

Armed Forces prepared leisure activities for thousands of Belarusian children during summer holidays

Thousands of Belarusian children are spending their summer holidays ... summer holidays. As a result, children can get new knowledge, find ... Defence Ministry said, adding that children will be able to get ...

Belarus , armed forces , children , holidays

News photo: Our Children in Favour of Safe Summer cultural and sports festival held in Vitebsk

children , summer , Belarus , Vitebsk

10,000+ children born in Belarus in 20 years thanks to IVF

... the laboratory of problems of children and adolescents at the Mother ... years, more than 10 thousand children have been born in Belarus ... . There are families where several children are born immediately after the ...

children , ivf , Belarus

Kochanova at opening of Republican Family Festival: it will become good tradition in Belarus

... the basis of the Rodnichok Children’s Health Camp. “The events ... country to support families with children, as well as the policy ... to us to save their children are an example of this ... classic family that brings up children is the key to the ... they seek to protect their children from modern liberal trends that ...

kochanova , family values , children

75 children from Syria coming to Belarus for recuperation

... recuperate at Belarus’ Zubrenok National Children's Educational and Health Centre ... young Syrians before their departure. Children from friendly countries have been ... than 1.3 thousand Syrian children have recuperated in the ... two weeks,” he addressed the children. As reported, in accordance ... organisation of recreation for 413 children from Egypt, China, Kyrgyzstan, ... Uzbekistan at the Zubrenok National Children's Educational and Health ... stay in Belarus, the children will undergo a medical examination ...

Belarus , syria , children , zubrenok

Major General: if opponents dislike Belarus’ military-patriotic clubs, then everything is being done right

An opinion exists that children are being prepared for a ... right. Actually, no one prepares children for a war. Military-patriotic ... -patriotic camps were organised for children last year in the Armed ...

military-patriotic club , belarus , children , education

Recuperation for 400+ children from friendly countries organised in Belarus

... organisation of holidaying for 413 children from Egypt, China, Kyrgyzstan, Laos ... Uzbekistan at the Zubrenok National Children's Education and Recreation Centre ... During their stay in Belarus, children will undergo a medical examination ... in Minsk and the regions. Children from friendly countries have been ...

President , Children

A Girl from Belarus children's book joined annual top-15 list in Brazil

... According to the source, Brazilian children will be able to learn ... difficult time of political confrontations, children's literature remains a world ...

Brazil , Belarus , foreign ministry , book , children

UK doctors urge to stop physical punishment against children

... reports Photo: “Children are the only group of ... a significant negative impact on children,” the RCPCH report reads. According ...

UK , children , punishment

UN: all universities in Gaza Strip destroyed

The Head of the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Palestinian Territory, Andrea De Domenico, said that most schools and all universities in the Gaza Strip have been damaged or destroyed, TASS reports photo: Andrea De Domenico noted that most schools were destroyed in the Gaza Strip. Moreover, there is not a single university left in the enclave. According to him, it will take years to return pupils to educational institutions. Mr. Domenico noted ...

UN , Gaza Strip , children , education

Belarus invited Algerian children to recuperation camps in 2025

... invited a group of Algerian children to attend recuperation camps in ... send a group of Algerian children to recuperation camps in Belarus ...

Belarus , Algeria , Foreign Ministry , Aleinik , co-operation , children

Number of children killed in Crocus City Hall increased to six

... in Krasnogorsk, Russia. Another five children remain in the hospital, and ... provided by the Commissioner for Children's Rights under the ... currently have data on six children who were killed, another ... seven suffered injuries. Two children have been discharged from the ... she personally visited the children. The Commissioner for Children's Rights is ... hospitals. According to her, ‘the children have everything they need, and ... prognosis is positive’. Earlier, five children were reported dead as a ...

Russia , Moscow , Crocus City Hall , terrorist attack , children , victims

UNICEF: 700 thousand children in Sudan at risk of worst form of malnutrition

... UNICEF, in 2024, 700,000 children in Sudan are likely to ... that more than 700,000 children are likely to suffer from ...

UNICEF , Sudan , children , malnutrition

Italy will accept about 100 Palestinian children for treatment

... a hundred seriously ill Palestinian children for medical care, TASS reports ... accept about a hundred Palestinian children with serious complications who, accompanied ...

italy , palestine , children

Time for the fast and accurate

... the republican biathlon competition among children and teenagers Snow Sniper for ... and will gather hundreds of children from all regions of the ... , training camps will be held. Children visiting Raubichi will receive equipment ... year. As Pavel Egorov said, children of all three age groups ...

sport , biathlon , Raubichi , children , teenagers , Snow Sniper

Expert said Ukrainian refugees are viewed as third-class citizens in the West

... , said that mass seizure of children from refugees in Europe shows ... of cases of seizure of children from Ukrainian refugees in Europe ... associate the seizure of Ukrainian children with the desire of Europeans ... fading gene pool with Slavic children. Medvedchuk added that all this ...

Ukraine , Europe , West , children , refugees

Opinion: children of Donbass get piece of real childhood in Belarus

... the abduction of children from Donbass. Meanwhile, these children – thanks to the ... to pay attention to those children who disappear into the ‘paradisiacal ...

Donbass , children , politics , Belarus , west , opinion

Belarus’ President hockey team congratulated orphaned children on upcoming Christmas

... sixty-five 3-17-aged children live. The President's team ... much more – to make the children’s staying in the orphanage ... and engaged spectators. Actually, many children are unlikely to forget this ... and gifts are important for children. I am sure that there ... that we come to the children and try to do ... give some care to these children, to support their desire for ... truly unique event for our children. Almost all of them visited ... the personal communication. Even the children – who had rarely smiled before ...

hockey , President’s Sports Club , children , Belarus

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