Lukashenko outlined top priority in activities of all leaders: working with people

... ’s aides for regions, and government representatives. As far as the ... each local leader and the government as a whole depends.” The ... and understand what we – the government – should organise, and what people ...

Lukashenko , President , government

‘No tourist trips! There must be a result’

... time, the President criticised the government for the lack of efficiency ... members of the government and prime ministers. The government, led by the ... mention the arrangements reached by government members during their trips,” the ... matters and tactical issues. The government is tasked with developing co ... that remained unresolved at the government level and that were ... unresolved together with the Russian government: the oil formula (new ... in the remit of the governments,” the Belarusian leader underscored. ...

Lukashenko , President , Belarus , government , meeting , international , issues , tasks

Russian government agreed to open Belarus’ consulates general in Kaliningrad and Nizhny Novgorod

... Consulate General in Kaliningrad. The Government of the Russian Federation recommends ... that the governments of the Nizhny Novgorod and ...

Belarus , Russia , consulate general , government

Golovchenko on negative trade balance: no catastrophe at all

... , the Economy Ministry and the Government should have paid attention to ... Lukashenko said. The Head of Government noted in an interview with ... same time, the Head of Government noted that the reverse dynamics ...

Lukashenko , golovchenko , government , belarus , foreign trade , economy

70% of Germans dissatisfied with current government

... with the work of the government. Only 22 percent of respondents ...

Germany , government

Belarusian Government amended comprehensive programme for electric vehicles development

The Government of Belarus amended the Council ...

government , electric vehicles

Poll: over 50% of Poles blame EU and country’s former government for agrarian crisis

... and the country’s previous government of the right-wing Law ...

Poland , Ukraine , protests , farmers , EU , government

Ukraine’s ex-PM: no politicians in Ukraine representing interests of country and people

... already tired of the current government. “People can be driven to ...

Ukraine , government , Azarov

Kuwait forms first government under new Emir and PM

Kuwait has formed today a government led by Prime Minister Sheikh ...

Kuwait , government , cabinet of ministers

New Zealanders across the country protest against government’s new policies

... Tuesday to protest the new government’s policies that they believe ... because New Zealanders want their government to address the many problems ...

New Zealand , protests , government

Strategic projects are important for the future of Belarus

... Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, convened a government conference to discuss the improvement ... of late is when our government starts lying and misinforming ... why the President reminded the government of his demand to review ... spring 2023 he instructed the government, the Academy of Sciences and ... of State explained. The government presented to the Head of ... to the proposals from central government bodies, regional executive committees or ... Including by involving all the government agencies that have the relevant ...

Belarus , Lukashenko , government , conference , planning , strategic projects

Tasks for the government

... tasks and agreements with the Government The President focused on problematic ... , the President stated that the government and the economy are working ...

Lukashenko , meeting , Council of Ministers , government , economy , investments , agriculture , social sphere

Lukashenko demanded detailed calculation of prices in cases of their growth from Government

... , the measures taken by the Government to regulate pricing have not ...

Lukashenko , government , prices

Loan to be allocated to Belarus for import substituting projects

As reported by the Belarusian Government’s press service, an intergovernmental ...

government , import substitution , loan

State property management rules may change in Belarus

... President of Belarus with the Government leadership. Starting the conversation, the ... the President pointed out, the Government has prepared a comprehensive draft ... the three pillars of any government. I repeat once again: we ... at all. Maybe even the Government will only partially deal with ... what these proposals of the Government will lead to? Won’t ...

Lukashenko , Government , state property

Belarus will fulfil debt obligations on Eurobonds in national currency

... resolution – as informed by the Government’s Telegram channel “The execution ... of debt obligations on government securities placed on foreign financial ... Eurobond holders. According to the Government’s press service, this is ...

government , national bank

Investment project deadlines extended in Belarus

... Ministers – as informed by the Government’s Telegram channel Based on ...

Council of Ministers , government , investment

Belarusian Government proposes drastic measures, but Lukashenko doesn’t rush to conclusions

During the discussion of the draft law On the Improvement of Socio-Economic Policy of the Republic of Belarus, President Aleksandr Lukashenko said that the measures proposed by the document are aimed at strengthening economic security photo: Addressing the participants of the meeting, the Belarusian leader noted, “I carefully studied this bill. I see that a number of measures are directly aimed at protecting state interests and strengthening our economic security.” At the same time ...

Lukashenko , government

PCR tests no longer needed for foreigners coming to Belarus in line with Lukashenko’s instruction

... Belarus – as informed by the Government’s press service Belarus’ Prime ... held with representatives of the Government and the President Administration on ...

government , Council of Ministers , Lukashenko

Belarus expands list of strictly designated places for cargo transhipment or reloading

... reports with reference to the Government's press service. Photo: www ...


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