President has announced elimination of tension on border with Ukraine

... missile regiment in Luninets District, Brest Region BELTA At first, the Head ...

Lukashenko , President , Belarus , border , Brest Region , Ukraine , talks , military , de-escalation , troop withdrawal

Holiday in a new format

... — it is this place in Brest Region that was chosen by Belarus ... sports and historical quest, Pruzhany, Brest Region. ALEKSANDR KUSHNER The history of ... Festival — an Olympic quest, Pruzhany, Brest Region. ALEKSANDR KUSHNER seminars, round tables ... in a new format in Brest Region, which is the first region ...

Belarus , Pruzhany , Brest Region , National Olympic Committee , Viktor Lukashenko , festival , Vytoki , sports , cultural , holiday

Which sites will receive money earned during nationwide subbotnik

Memory update Nationwide subbotnik (voluntary labour day) is taking place today in Belarus. The generated funds will go exclusively for good purposes: 35 percent will be given to the Gomel Regional Executive Committee to reconstruct the Children – Victims of War memorial complex in Krasny Bereg and the same amount will be earmarked to the Brest Regional Executive Committee to create the Republican Centre for Patriotic Education of Youth on the premises of the Kobrin fortification of the Brest ...

Belarus , nationwide subbotnik , Brest Region , Gomel Region , memorial

Myasnikovich: only Belarus has positive trade balance with Russia among EAEU members

... at the opening of the Brest Region Days at VDNKh in Moscow ... of increasing labour productivity, the Brest Region – the days of which kicked ... production per capita in the Brest Region is six times higher than ...

Myasnikovich , Belarus , Brest region , VDNKh , Moscow

Lukashenko doesn’t believe that nuclear weapons stationed in Belarus will have to be used

During a conversation with residents of the agro-town of Belovezhsky, in the Kamenets District, the President of Belarus said that he hopes the nuclear weapons deployed in Belarus will not have to be used “We are peaceful people. We fought enough in our history... I don’t want my people, especially in my presidency, to fight. You see what is happening at our neighbours. These people are close to us, they aren’t strangers, many have their relatives there and here. It’s terrible. We draw ...

Lukashenko , Brest Region , nuclear weapons

Lukashenko working in Brest Region

... a working trip to the Brest Region. It’s planned that the ... works in the country, the Brest Region, the Kamenets District and the ... socio-economic development of the Brest Region, the Kamenets District and the ... ) of Dairy Complexes in the Brest Region and on the development prospects ... dairy cattle breeding in the Brest Region. photo: Moreover ...

Lukashenko , Brest region

Belarusian Land Treasures. Brest Region

... position and population The Brest Region is located in the south ... people). Economic development The Brest Region has great potential in the ... of the Brest Region. Clothing and hosiery from the Brest Region are in ... , products manufactured in the Brest Region are exported to 107 countries ... habitats for waterfowl. The Brest Region has deposits of minerals: ... architecture are concentrated in the Brest Region. 774 monuments are included ... Belarusian Ded Moroz. The Brest Region annually hosts the Biker Festival ...

Belarusian Land Treasures , project , Brest Region , country

Brest Region increased rapeseed oil exports to Poland and China

According to 2022 results, Agroproduct JSC from Kamenets District sharply increased rapeseed oil exports As noted by Dmitry Gorodetsky, the Deputy Chairman of the Brest Regional Executive Committee, the overall sales to Poland and China rose in 2022 thanks to the enterprise. “The increase in exports to Poland was provided by Agroproduct JSC: from January-November 2022, sales of rapeseed oil amounted to $91m (a 95.8 percent growth against 2021). Over the same period, the enterprise also increased ...

brest region , rapeseed oil

Defence Ministry: Ukrainian S-300 missile shot down by Belarus’ air defence forces

... village of Gorbakha, Ivanovo District, Brest Region. “As a result of the ...

defence ministry , Brest Region

Lukashenko praised Brest Region and Pruzhany District for harvesting campaign

... , praised the district and the Brest Region for harvesting campaign, especially distinguishing ... for the second time) the Brest Region has done well. The governor ... say that your district, the Brest Region have done well. You never ...

Lukashenko , Brest Region , agriculture

Lukashenko: I have no desire for our people to fight. In the name of what?

During a meeting with the staff of Zhuravlinoe agricultural company and residents of the Pruzhany District, President Aleksandr Lukashenko called on Belarusians to appreciate and cherish everything that has been achieved in the country, BelTA reports Photo: “You must understand that no one will carry you on their shoulders, including me. I will help. But as var as understand, a person and a family are successful only when they first of all take care of themselves and their ...

Lukashenko , Brest Region , agriculture

Lukashenko: no agricultural machinery – no district chairman

... 2500-18 – produced in the Brest Region. “It’s a wonderful technique ...

Lukashenko , Brest Region , agriculture

Lukashenko: we’ll start bottling Belarusian vaccine against COVID-19 in near future

There is a sufficient amount of means of protection against COVID-19 in Belarus, so you should not worry about this disease. Moreover, the virus, as predicted, has become a seasonal phenomenon – as stated today by the President of Belarus, answering the question of Yelena Davydik, zootechnician-breeder at Zhuravlinoe JSC. photo: The Belarusian Head of State told the villagers that he himself had been ill twice with this virus. The disease also affected his dear people. At the same ...

Lukashenko , Brest Region , vaccine , COVID-19

Lukashenko: Belarus’ agriculture was created thanks to efforts of entire nation

... was set up in the Brest Region back then. “At the cost ...

Lukashenko , Brest Region , agriculture

Lukashenko to private agricultural company: it is necessary to share with workers

During a visit of President Aleksandr Lukashenko to Zhuravlinoe JSC in the Pruzhany District, Chairman of the Brest Regional Executive Committee Yuri Shuleiko said that the region gives most of the grown rapeseed to the local company Agroprodukt for sale. Meanwhile, this private company satisfies 95 percent of the region’s needs in meal pellets. The Head of State drew Yuri Shuleiko’s attention to the fact that processors always sell goods with added value. In this regard, Aleksandr Lukashenko ...

Lukashenko , Brest Region , agriculture

Lukashenko highly appreciates Belarusian seeding machines

... machinery maintenance facilities across the Brest Region as a whole and work ...

Lukashenko , Brest Region , agriculture

Lukashenko told under what conditions Belarus can have 11-11.5 million tonnes of grain

The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, is visiting today Zhuravlinoe agricultural company in the Pruzhany District. The Head of State asked Agriculture and Food Minister Igor Brylo about the progress of the harvesting campaign. The latter reported to the President that 3 percent of the area had been cleared during Thursday, promising that the grain crops in the country would amount to 7 million tonnes already on Sunday. This is 85-86 percent of the total area to be cleaned. Particular ...

Lukashenko , Brest Region , agriculture

Lukashenko visiting Zhuravlinoe JSC in Pruzhany District

Another agricultural enterprise is in the schedule of the President of Belarus. Today Aleksandr Lukashenko is visiting Zhuravlinoe JSC in the Pruzhany District, paying attention to samples of domestic seeding machines, rapeseed cultivation technology, available varieties of this crop, as well as products made from it. Moreover, the Belarusian leader plans to visit the machinery maintenance facility and get acquainted with how the technical feasibility of repair and maintenance of agricultural ...

Lukashenko , Brest Region , agriculture

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