Ukraine complains about malfunctions of some Western air defence complexes

... systems in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine have failed due to problems ...

Armed Forces of Ukraine , armament , west , repair

Ukraine, Finnish ICEYE signed agreement on space reconnaissance

... the reconnaissance activities’ of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Armed Forces of Ukraine , Finland , reconnaissance

Expert: West does not realise consequences of nuclear war

Douglas McKinnon, a former special assistant for policy and communications at the Pentagon, said that NATO risks unleashing a third world war in Ukraine, Hill reports Photo: Douglas McKinnon said that NATO risks a third world war in Ukraine, while stuffing the pockets of the defence industry. According to him, day by day, the war in Ukraine is getting closer to a nuclear strike. The US expert noted that the political elites of Western countries completely do not understand the ...

russia , Armed Forces of Ukraine , West , NATO , WWIII

German Gepard tanks spotted on Romanian-Ukrainian border

Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns have been spotted in the town of Chilia Veche on the Romanian-Ukrainian border, RIA Novosti reports Photo: The co-ordinator of the Nikolaev underground, Sergei Lebedev, has referred to his colleagues saying that ‘activists of the pro-Russian resistance managed to get photos of German equipment deployed in Chilia Veche’. He noted that it is still being clarified whether the Gepard tanks are being prepared for combat operations or for ...

Armed Forces of Ukraine , romania , gepard

German journalist: Western weapons ineffective in long conflict

The Western weapons that Kiev received from its allies have proved ineffective in the conflict with Russia – as noted by German journalist Julian Roepcke, RIA Novosti reports Photo: Mr. Roepcke posted on the X social network, “My contacts within the Ukrainian army also tell me it’s not just that there’s a lack of 155mm and 152mm artillery shells – nothing works anymore.” The journalist stressed that Western self-propelled howitzers are not made for a real, long war, but for short ...

Ukraine , west , Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukraine’s ex-PM: country's mobilisation resources depleted

Mobilisation reserves of Ukraine are depleting, while soldiers ask for rotation – as noted by the former Prime Minister of the country, Mykola Azarov, RIA Novosti reports Photo: In his Telegram channel, the politician posted, “Mobilisation in Ukraine has turned into a real nightmare for Ukrainians. In Ukraine, the reserves are depleted, and at the front, the military is asking for a rotation, which cannot be done due to a shortage in the Armed Forces." Mr. Azarov also ...

Armed Forces of Ukraine , Azarov

Ukraine’s ex-Deputy Defence Minister declared problems of Ukrainian troops at the front

... is extremely difficult for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, “We are progressing slowly as ... June 4 th , 2023, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a counteroffensive in the ...

Armed Forces of Ukraine , russia

Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Zelenskyy will have to be answerable to the West for failures

... of the counteroffensive, since the Armed Forces of Ukraine have spent a lot of ...

Ukraine , zelenskyy , Armed Forces of Ukraine

Military expert: complete chaos reigns in AFU in terms of information management

The situation developing on the battlefield indicates that Ukrainian servicemen do not always get the necessary information – as noted by military expert Aleksandr Artamonov in his talk with Channel One Photo: Earlier, the media repeatedly reported that Ukrainian soldiers were blown up by their own mines. “This proves that, despite the vaunted network-centric principle of information distribution in the North Atlantic Alliance and the countries that contribute to it, such as Ukraine ...

Ukraine , Armed Forces of Ukraine

AFU attacked Russian military positions with chemical munitions

... Republic, Andrei Marochko, said the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked the positions of the ...

chemical weapons , Armed Forces of Ukraine , russia

AFU purchased uniform of Russia’s Armed Forces to prepare provocation in Kherson

... have been purchased by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, presumably to prepare a provocation ...

kherson , provocation , Armed Forces of Ukraine

Germany violated promise of free medical care to AFU soldiers

... treat wounded servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for free, RIA Novosti reports ... or by soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. “Germany promised that all wounded ...

germany , Armed Forces of Ukraine , medical assistance

Media: Zelenskyy announced AFU preparation for counteroffensive towards Crimea

... believes the success of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will largely depend on military ...

Armed Forces of Ukraine , zelenskyy , crimea

Group of Lithuanian instructors left for Germany to train Ukrainian military

A group of Lithuanian military instructors was sent to Germany to take part in the training of Ukrainian soldiers – as reported by the command of the Lithuanian army, TASS reports photo: The statement reads, “A group of instructors from the Žemaitija motorised infantry brigade was sent to Germany as part of the EU military assistance mission in support of Ukraine.” Thus, Lithuanians, together with instructors from Belgium and Germany, will be involved in multinational training ...

Lithuania , Germany , Armed Forces of Ukraine

Financial Times: UK’s ex-officer called UAF possible counteroffensive a high-risk operation

... . Gunnell, the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will take a giant orchestration ...

Armed Forces of Ukraine , uk

Military expert: Kiev uses Ukrainian farmers' equipment to transport ammunition

The Armed Forces of Ukraine use the equipment of Ukrainian ...

ukraine , marochko , Armed Forces of Ukraine

LPR officer: Armed Forces of Ukraine unite mercenaries from 30+ countries

Foreign mercenaries who have arrived from more than thirty countries are now fighting in the area of responsibility of the second army corps of the Lugansk People’s Republic – as informed by an officer of the LPR People's Militia, Andrei Marochko, RIA Novosti reports Photo: Mr. Marochko explained that the relevant information had come from the LPR intelligence. According to him, English-language speech with various dialects is most often heard among the mercenaries. In addition ...

Ukraine , mercenaries , Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukrainian forces shot down a bus with civilians in Kherson

Ukraine’s armed formations shot down a bus with civilians in the Kherson Region – as informed by the Head of the Russian National Defence Control Centre, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev, RIA Novosti reports Photo: As informed, civilians were being evacuated to the territories under control of the Ukrainian authorities. "Based on the available reliable information, another bloody provocation was committed by militants of the Ukrainian forces in the Kherson Region," ...

kherson , Armed Forces of Ukraine

First group of Ukrainian military arrived in Britain for training

The Ukrainian military will undergo special military training in the UK, with the first group of soldiers having already arrived on the British territory – as noted by British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, TASS reports Photo: Ben Wallace did not give exact dates for the arrival of the Ukrainian military on the British territory but noted that the troops have arrived recently. The training will take place as part of a ‘programme to train up to 10,000 Ukrainian recruits’. For ...

UK , Ukraine , Armed Forces of Ukraine

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