Deputy Economy Minister: $8bn of investment attracted to Belarus in 2023

Last year, $8bn of investment were attracted to the Belarusian economy – as informed by Deputy Economy Minister Vladimir Naumovich at a recent Belarusian-Azerbaijani business forum in Minsk “The flow of foreign direct investment has been steadily growing lately. The total volume made about $8bn in 2023, including almost $6bn of FDI,” Mr. Naumovich said, adding that the contribution of companies with foreign participation to the economy of Belarus is expanding – ‘both in terms of total revenue ...

Belarus , Economy Ministry , FDI

Economy Ministry: Belarus interested in expanding co-operation with UNIDO in regional industrial development

... reports with reference to the Economy Ministry’s press service In Belarus ... stressed the interest of the Economy Ministry in transferring international experience and ...

Belarus , unido , Economy Ministry

Belarus, Equatorial Guinea intend to strengthen co-operation in investment sphere

... the Telegram channel of Belarus’ Economy Ministry "The agreement envisages creating ...

Belarus , Equatorial Guinea , investments , Economy Ministry

Belarus’ Deputy Economy Minister: China is key market to promote high-quality Belarusian goods in Asian region

... reports with reference to the Economy Ministry’s press service . “Belarus pays ...

Belarus , China , Abramenko , co-operation , Economy ministry

Economy Ministry: Belarus, China to deepen interregional trade and economic co-operation

... to the website of the Economy Ministry Photo: ...

Economy Ministry , Belarus , China , co-operation

Belarus’ First Deputy Economy Minister: maximum rate of industrial production growth in recent decade achieved

... reports with reference to the Economy Ministry According to Mr. Kartun, the ...

Economy Ministry , production , Belarus

Economy Ministry: net profit of Great Stone residents doubled in 2023

... residents doubled last year, Belarus’ Economy Ministry reports "The unprecedented volume ...

Great Stone , Economy Ministry

Belarus’ Economy Ministry: exports reached maximum values since 2012

... .4bn – as reported by the Economy Ministry’s press service It is ... of over 150 countries. The Economy Ministry explained that last year’s ...

Belarus , economy ministry

Belarus’ Economy Minister: our country reached positive balance in foreign trade with Russia

Belarus’ Economy Minister Yuri Chebotar told reporters about this on the sidelines of the Supreme State Council in St. Petersburg In particular, he stressed that trade turnover between Belarus and Russia is growing steadily, “We supplied maximum export volumes last year and the year before. We’re reaching record levels – a 12 percent increase in our exports to Russia. However, Russia is also expanding its export supplies to our country. We’ve reached a positive balance in foreign trade with our ...

Belarus , Russia , economy ministry , chebotar

Deputy Economy Minister named drivers of GDP growth in 2023

Industry is the main driver of GDP growth last year, Belarus’ Deputy Economy Minister Andrei Kartun told reporters “The GDP growth at the end of the year amounted to 103.9 percent – higher than the forecast parameters. The main drivers of growth are industry, construction and trade.” According to him, industry growth in 2023 stood at 107.7 percent. “In 2023, the maximum output over the past five years has been achieved for such product items as mining dump trucks, buses, trucks, cars, cement, ...

Belarus , economy ministry , GDP , economy

Belarus leads in SDG achievement ranking among CIS states

... Development Goals, the Economy Ministry repor ts The Economy Ministry has released several facts ...

Economy Ministry , Belarus , sustainable development goals

Economy Ministry: Belarus’ level of self-sufficiency in main food groups exceeds 100%

... – as reported by the Belarusian Economy Ministry’s press service The economic ... Economy Research Institute of the Economy Ministry on the achievements of Belarus ... for potatoes,” noted Economy Ministry. Moreover, according to the Economy Ministry, agricultural production per ...

Belarus , economy Ministry , food security , self-sufficiency

Economy Ministry: Belarus' exports of travel services up 7-fold in 30 years

... more than six times, the Economy Ministry reports in its study of ... sanatoriums operate in Belarus,” the Economy Ministry informed. Agro-ecotourism has become ...

Economy Ministry , tourism , Belarus

Economy Ministry: Belarusians’ welfare is growing

... the past 30 years, the Economy Ministry reports on its official website ... .4 to 1," the Economy Ministry said in a statement. A ... 1.6 times," the Economy Ministry added.

Economy Ministry , Belarus , well-being

Economy Minister: JVs need to be created in Belarus and China

... approach the final buyers, Belarus’ Economy Ministry reports “To ensure this, we ... enterprise. As noted by the Economy Ministry, this is just one of ...

Belarus , china , co-operation , Economy Ministry , chervyakov

Belarus’ Economy Ministry registered growth of regional investments

... by 22.3 percent. The Economy Ministry told us what measures are ... comfortably in their homeland,” the Economy Ministry noted.

Belarus , economy ministry , investments , growth

Economy Ministry: Belarus boasts record low inflation

Belarus is experiencing record low inflation – as informed by Deputy Economy Minister, Andrei Kartun, commenting on the economic results in January-August 2023 “Deflation was recorded in August. Prices decreased by 0.3 percent due to lower food prices. Against December 2022, prices increased by 2.9 percent, against August 2022 – by 2.3 percent. That was a historical minimum,” Mr. Kartun said. According to the Deputy Economy Minister, among food products, the largest decrease against July was ...

Belarus , Economy Ministry , inflation

Economy Ministry: exports of goods and services grew by 6.4% in 2023, and the growth trend continues

The trend of export growth continues in Belarus – as Deputy Economy Minister Andrei Kartun told reporters, commenting on the results of the economy for January-August 2023 “According to the latest data, exports of goods and services during the reporting period increased by 6.4 percent to reach $26.9bn – a record increase in exports since 2012,” added the official. According to the him, the share of investment goods in the structure of the export basket has increased and amounted to more than 13 ...

Belarus , exports , economy ministry

Brantsevich: purposeful work underway in Belarus to achieve SDGs

... websit e of the Belarusian Economy Ministry photo: ...

Belarus , economy ministry , SDGs

Economy Minister: Belarus diversifies logistics flows and builds transport corridors

... Igor Ishchenko, the Economy Ministry reports PHOTO BY BELARUS’ ECONOMY MINISTRY Mr. Chervyakov noted ...

chervyakov , logistics , Economy Ministry , Nizhny Novgorod

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