Belarus ratified agreement with Russia on development and organisation of Osvey aircraft mass production

... Aleksandr Lukashenko has signed a law ratifying the intergovernmental agreement between ... Plant. The adoption of the law makes it possible to create ...

Lukashenko , President , law , Russia , agreement , Osvey aircraft

Law No. 335-3, ensuring correction to Law On President of the Republic of Belarus, entered into force on July 6th

Law No. 335-3 (as of ... a comprehensive adjustment of the Law On the President of the ...

President , Belarus , law

The law on the republican budget of Belarus for 2024 was signed

belta Law of the Republic of Belarus ... ? Aleksandr Lukashenko signed the Law amending the Law On State Awards of ... activities of media representatives, the Law establishes a new state award ...

Lukashenko , protocol , law , republican budget , state awards

MPs approved bill to amend law On President of the Republic of Belarus

... Belarus On Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Belarus ... the seventh convocation The draft law was developed in order to ... bring the norms of the law On the President of the ... with the provisions of the law On Public Service. Presenting the ... on Legislation, noted that the law adopted in the first reading ... the harmonisation of the Belarusian law On the President of the ...

law , house of representatives , Belarus , President

MPs approved termination of Belarus-Ukraine agreement on joint border control

Senators approved the draft law On Termination of the Agreement ... the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties as of May ... , generally recognised principles of international law, the Vienna Convention, other international ... treaties of Belarus, the law On International Treaties of the ...

Belarus , Ukraine , border , law

The truth about genocide: remember so that it does not happen again

... the rule of law in the troops and law enforcement agencies, ... also worn in many other law enforcement agencies, including the ... the Prosecutor General, the law enforcement unit and the prosecutor ... of verification activities of the law enforcement unit will not ... you work according to the law.” The Prosecutor General described ... day, Aleksandr Lukashenko signed the law 'On Amending the Code ... with the heads of relevant law enforcement and other state ... supervising the observance of the law in the troops at ...

Lukashenko , Shved , genocide , law

Belarus ratified agreement with Russia on the establishment of combat training centres for military personnel

... armed forces, with the corresponding law signed by Head of State ...

Lukashenko , law , Russia

Lukashenko signed amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code

... , Aleksandr Lukashenko, has signed the Law On Amending the Criminal Procedure ... leader’s press service The law envisages the inadmissibility of refusing ...

Lukashenko , law

Lukashenko signed law on people’s militia

... , Aleksandr Lukashenko, has signed the Law On the People’s Militia ... of citizens in ensuring martial law imposed in the administrative-territorial ...

Lukashenko , law , people’s militia

Lukashenko signed law on improving mechanisms for protecting Belarus' national interests in media sphere

... , has signed the law On Amendments to the Law of the Republic ... unfriendly actions against Belarus. The law provides for the possibility of ...

Lukashenko , law

Khrenin: decision on deployment of Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus to cool aggression of our neighbours

To date, the measures taken by Belarus’ Defence Ministry together with the Russian Federation to ensure security are sufficient – as stated by Defence Minister Viktor Khrenin at the House of Representatives session Belarusian MPs have adopted today the bill On Ratification of Protocol between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on Amendments to the Agreement between Belarus and Russia on Joint Provision of Regional Security in the Military Sphere as of December 19th, 1997. In this ...

Khrenin , law , nuclear weapons

Portuguese Parliament approved euthanasia law

... of the Republic approved a law regulating the conditions under which ... assistance is not punishable by law, Diário de Notícias ... . Meanwhile, according to the basic law of the country, the Head ... the decision to approve the law in the Constitutional Court. The ... Portuguese law is similar to the Spanish ...

portugal , law , euthanasia

Lukashenko signed law on strengthening responsibility for crimes against the state

... Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, signed the Law On Amending Codes on Criminal ... ) and anti-state crimes. The law envisages the extension of criminal ...

Lukashenko , law , criminal code

Kochanova: under President’s wise leadership, Belarus is following evolutionary path of improving its judicial system

... everyone is equal before the law and has the right to ... courts, guaranteed by the Basic Law, is an integral indication of ... governed by the rule of law.” The Chairperson of the Council ... of the Soviet system of law, the school of judicial system ...

kochanova , law , judicial system

Belarus terminated agreement with France in the field of culture, education, science and media

Belarus’ senators approved a draft bill On Termination of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the French Republic on Co-operation in the Field of Culture, Education, Science, Technology and Mass Media As noted by Yekaterina Serafimovich, a member of the Council of the Republic, the projects included in the agreement have not been implemented recently. “There is no sense in continuing this agreement at the moment,” she stressed. “In addition, the ...

Council of the Republic , law , france

Lukashenko signed laws on Parliament activity

... In particular, amendments to the law On the National Assembly of ... also signed the law On Amendments to the Law of the Republic ... ). In line with the updated law, the powers of the deputies ... service). The provisions of the law On the Status of Deputy ... , as well as with the law enforcement practice.

Lukashenko , law , parliament

Lukashenko signed amnesty law

... , Aleksandr Lukashenko, has signed the law On Amnesty in Connection with ... the path of correction. The law defines the categories of individuals ... passed on the day the law came into force; those sentenced ... the same time, the amnesty law will not apply to persons ... traditional, the application of the law will be carried out only ...

Lukashenko , law , amnesty

Amnesty bill approved in Belarus

A draft law On Amnesty in Connection with ...

law , amnesty , kubrakov

We decide together with the whole country

... , such as the rule of law. There are proposals to ensure ...

Belarusian People’s Congress , law , discussion

The balanced choice of true democracy

... positive role.” Education in the law There are also plans to ... of our traditions, experience and law enforcement,” explained Secretary of the ... criminals in accordance with the law should have the right to ...

Belarus , law , electoral code , democracy

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