President’s gratitude announced to agricultural workers

... decree, announcing the President’s gratitude to the workers of the ... press servic e Thus, the gratitude of the President was granted ...

Lukashenko , President , Belarus , gratitude

State Control Committee employees presented with state awards and President’s gratitude

... also signed an order declaring gratitude of the President of Belarus ...

Lukashenko , decree , state awards , gratitude

Aleksandr Lukashenko on a peaceful future: we will preserve it

... was awarded the President’s Gratitude belta Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked, “You ... no random people.” President’s Gratitude certificates bestowed on graduates and ... . The Head of State expressed gratitude to the teaching staff, “Thank ... success is a token of gratitude to the heroes who fought ...

Lukashenko , President , Palace of Independence , award , ceremony , gratitude , universities , teachers , graduates

President’s gratitude announced to distinguished teachers and students

The gratitude of the President of Belarus ... been awarded the President’s gratitude for their fruitful scientific and ... have received the President’s gratitude for excellent academic achievements and ...

Lukashenko , decree , gratitude

Belarus Segodnya Publishing House journalists awarded Gratitude of House of Representatives' Chairman

... Belarus), Anastasia Tselyuk, received the Gratitude from the Chairman of the ... the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly. The Gratitude of the Chairman of the ...

Belarus Segodnya Publishing House , house of representatives , Andreichenko , journalists , gratitude

Lukashenko announced President’s Gratitude to Integral, Mogotex and Lenta

... signed an order announcing the Gratitude of the President of the ... press service The President’s Gratitude was announced to Integral JSC ... was awarded the President’s Gratitude. Moreover, Lenta JSC received the ... President’s Gratitude for its significant contribution to ... -economic development. The President’s Gratitude was also announced to the ...

Lukashenko , Belarus , gratitude

President’s gratitude announced to media and healthcare professionals

The gratitude of the President of Belarus ... press service The President’s gratitude was granted to media employees ... Diseases Maria Alekseeva have received gratitude from the President for many ...

Lukashenko , gratitude

President's gratitude announced to lecturers and students of Belarusian universities

The gratitude of the President of Belarus ... th . Five lecturers have received gratitude from the President for their ... . In addition, the President's gratitude was announced to fourteen students ...

Lukashenko , gratitude

President’s gratitude announced to workers of Belarusian agro-industrial complex

The gratitude of the President of Belarus ... press service The President’s gratitude was granted to the workers ...

Lukashenko , gratitude

President’s Gratitude declared to representatives of public associations of Afghan soldiers

The Gratitude of the President of Belarus ... , the President’s Letters of Gratitude were presented to Nikolai Glussky ...

Lukashenko , gratitude , veterans

Awards for patriots

... present, expressed warm words of gratitude to those who defend the ... President addressed special words of gratitude to the winners of the ...

Lukashenko , awards , gratitude , medals , orders , journalists , athletes

The President thanked Belarusian peacekeepers

... successful completion, and also expressed gratitude to the personnel. The Belarusian ... revolutions. Aleksandr Lukashenko expressed special gratitude to the Ministry of Defence ...

Lukashenko , Kazakhstan , CSTO , peacekeepers , gratitude , help

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