Szijjarto: Hungary blocked Council of Europe resolution on Ukraine

... vetoed a Council of Europe resolution on Ukraine, as the draft ... Council wanted to adopt a resolution in which it only wanted ... other peace plans in the resolution of the Council of Europe ... , so there was no Council resolution.” The Hungarian politician is sure ...

Hungary , Ukraine , europe , resolution

MPs made statement in connection with adoption of another resolution on Belarus by German Bundestag

... Republic of Germany of the resolution: For Democratic Belarus in European ... particular, reads that this new resolution on Belarus adopted by the ... coalition parties voted for the resolution, which, from the point of ...

resolution , germany , Belarus , parliament

UN supported Belarusian resolution on co-ordination of efforts to combat human trafficking

... by consensus the traditional Belarusian resolution: Improving Co-ordination of Efforts ... Belarusian Foreign Ministry reports “The resolution, which has been adopted at ... ; the Foreign Ministry noted. The resolution ensures the preservation of consistent ... by the UN states. The resolution demonstrates in practice the ability ... such an important issue. “The resolution reflects the integral contribution of ...

un , Belarus , foreign ministry , resolution , human trafficking

November 7th festive rally resolution urges to unite around people’s President

... people’– as stated in the resolution adopted at a festive rally ... with our dedicated work.” The resolution underlines, “We’ll direct our ...

Minsk , November 7th , October Revolution , resolution

Council of the Republic made a statement in connection with adoption of a resolution on Belarus by European Parliament

... condemns the adoption of another resolution concerning Belarus by the European ...

Council of the Republic , Belarus , resolution

Council of the Republic called on international parliamentary structures to abandon destructive initiatives

... with the adoption of the resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of ... the adoption of the biased resolution Legal and Human Rights Aspects ... categorically reject these accusations. The resolution completely distorts the essence of ... peace and security. The PACE resolution shamelessly suppresses the facts of ...

Council of the Republic , pace , resolution

Gaidukevich: Belarus remains open for dialogue with all EU states, but we’ll never tolerate pressure

... tolerate pressure or dictation. The resolution of the European Parliament is ... Parliament’s adoption of the resolution on the establishment of a ... cabinet, where they scribble only resolutions that no one needs. A ...

Gaidukevich , Belarus , European parliament , Ukraine , resolution

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