Posted: 07.11.2023 17:00:00

November 7th festive rally resolution urges to unite around people’s President

We call on the Belarusian people, every citizen, towards unity and cohesion. We’ll direct our will and determination to support the exclusively peace-loving policy of the President of Belarus, his efforts to increase the defence capability of our Motherland and protect its sacred borders, and if necessary, we will be ready with arms in hand to defend our historical right ‘to be called people’– as stated in the resolution adopted at a festive rally on Minsk’s Nezavisimosti Square as part of the celebration of the 106th anniversary of the October Revolution.

The document reads, “Declaring full support for the political and socio-economic course pursued by the President of the Republic of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, the course to strengthen the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, the development of true democracy, the creation of powerful industrial and agricultural potential, science, education and medicine, improving the combat readiness and effectiveness of the army, strengthening the Union State of Belarus and Russia, we’re ready to take an active part in its implementation and reinforce our power with our dedicated work.”

The resolution underlines,

“We’ll direct our will and determination to support the exclusively peace-loving policy of the Head of State, his efforts to increase the defence capability of our Motherland and protect its sacred borders, and if necessary, we will be ready with arms in hand to defend our historical right ‘to be called people’.

The world today stands on the threshold of a new world war. The struggle of the imperialists for another re-division of the world in the US interests and the creation of a new neo-colonial system is acquiring monstrous proportions, with civil and interstate conflicts blazing in Africa, the Middle East, Ukraine, the Balkans, and the South Caucasus.

The drama of this struggle is aggravated by the fact that the imperialists see a way out of the crisis in consolidating the results of this redistribution and the exclusive right of the United States to world domination through WWIII, thus finally legitimising the exploitation of entire countries and nations. European governments have capitulated to the US and are militarising their politics and economy in its interests, thus supporting the Nazi regime in Ukraine in every possible way.

Neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, radical nationalism and other extremist forces have raised their heads in other countries of the world.

Threatening our sovereignty and independence, tens of thousands of NATO troops with the most modern weapons are concentrated at the border of Belarus with Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. On the Ukrainian side, a 160,000-strong military group has been formed.”

The document reads,

“We call on the Belarusian people, every citizen towards unity and cohesion. We call on political forces to act as a united front in defence of peace and civil harmony, in defence of the social gains of modern Belarus, in defence of the working people, united in the fight for our common future around the people’s President Aleksandr Lukashenko!

We demand that foreign states stop interfering in the internal affairs of the Republic of Belarus!

We condemn the use of any sanctions, aggressive and unfriendly actions against sovereign states, expressing our solidarity with the struggle of workers all over the globe against exploitation and oppression, inequality and poverty, unemployment, conflicts and wars.

Condemning the aggressive policy of the United States, its satellites and NATO, we demand an end to the political and economic blockade of Cuba and the DPRK, as well as other states fighting for their independence. We declare solidarity with the Syrian people in their struggle against criminal gangs supported by world reaction, solidarity with the peoples of Latin America, Africa, and Asia in their struggle against American neo-colonial expansion.”