Posted: 29.05.2024 17:00:00

Szijjarto: Hungary open to strengthening co-operation with Belarus

Hungary will provide any support for the development of co-operation with Belarus – as stated by the country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Peter Szijjarto, during his today’s visit to Minsk

“Our determination and our point of view are unequivocal: [Hungary is ready to co-operate] in all areas that are not subject to sanctions. Hungary is interested in developing liaisons, and we will provide any support for this. We are talking about it openly, hiding nothing. Hungary will not support the EU decisions that negatively affect the national interests of the country, its economy and that will produce a negative effect on the development of contacts with Belarus. I would like to note that Hungary will continue to adhere to this principle, providing a visa-free regime for those citizens of Belarus who need and are interested in obtaining a Hungarian visa,” Mr. Szijjarto said.

In his talk with Belarus’ Foreign Minister Sergei Aleinik, the Hungarian politician noted, “We believe that it is necessary to keep communication channels open, so we continue to hope for peace. As a country neighbouring Ukraine, we are interested and we still have hope for establishing peace and settling relations. Of course, the situation remains difficult, including with regard to our bilateral relations, due to the sanctions imposed by the European Union. However, there are areas that are not affected by sanctions – such as agriculture, industry, pharmaceuticals, and food security. We are open to strengthening co-operation in these areas.”

Mr. Szijjarto added that the heads of 24 Hungarian companies who are taking part in the Belarusian-Hungarian business forum had arrived in Belarus together with him. According to the diplomat, this once again demonstrates that Hungary has business interest in Belarus. “This is not just a political interest, but also a business one. As politicians, we must fully satisfy this interest," he stated.