Russian scientists created inexpensive and convenient composite for protection against X-rays and radiation

... terms of protection against gamma radiation and X-rays can rival ... metals cannot be used for radiation shielding for environmental and economic ... attenuate X-ray and gamma radiation; however, by adding chemical elements ...

Russia , composite , radiation , X-ray

Crushed radioactive capsule found in Thailand

... known whether the release of radiation affected the health of workers ... confirm whether the dust containing radiation has spread to other processing ...

radiation , Thailand

Gene responsible for brain tumour radiation resistance identified

... of tumour bodies vulnerable to radiation – as reported in the press ... gene from the effects of radiation. “Our experiments have shown that ... to the action of ionising radiation,” he said.

Science , brain tumour , gene , radiation

BSU scientists develop radiation monitoring system

... -channel system for monitoring the radiation situation at large facilities. Today ... the slightest changes in the radiation background in the designated areas ... spectrometric units for detecting gamma radiation,” the press service explains. “These ... record the results of background radiation every minute. Unlike existing analogues ... measure the background level of radiation.

BSU , scientists , radiation , control

Belarusian scientists conduct research on lands contaminated with radiation

Associate Professor Galina Sedukova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences and Head of the Laboratory of Agroecology and Mass Analyses of the Radiobiology Institute at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, told the sb.by portal that not a single hectare is left without the attention of researchers “We have made an inventory of lands withdrawn from circulation, which belong to agricultural organisations. We have determined their crop-engineering condition (the degree of bogging and overgrowth ...

Scientists , research , radiation

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