Labour Ministry: a family in Belarus is raising 15 children

The largest family in Belarus lives in Minsk Region, said Yelena Komlik, advisor with the Labour Ministry Demography Administration, during a round table called Strong Family Means Strong Country. Family Values as a Foundation of Statehood “There are over 123,000 large families in Belarus. 80 percent of them raise three children each,” she said, adding that the greatest number of families with 10 or more children (16) reside in Brest Region.

labour ministry , family , large families , children

Labour Ministry: 80% Belarusians have families

Eighty percent of Belarusians live in families – as informed by the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Valery Kovalkov According to the latest census data, 44 percent (1,142.9 thousand) of families have children under the age of 18. Most of them are single (a little more than 57 percent). Every third family has two children (33+ percent), and 9.2 percent have many children. “Since 2020, an information resource has been functioning in the system of the Ministry of Labour and Social ...

labour ministry , Belarus , family

Labour Ministry: more than third of Belarus’ MPs are women

The Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection, Valery Kovalkov, spoke of the role of women in Belarus’ life at a recent press conference “In the modern world, ensuring women's rights and taking measures to improve their social and economic status is a very important task for any state. More than five million ladies – or more than half of the country’s poeplulation – live in Belarus now. Women make a significant contribution to the national economy of Belarus, and – among those of working ...

labour ministry , belarus , women , employment , parliament

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