Expert on how Western countries rewriting WWII history
The history of World War II is being rewritten in the West: i.e. the events related to the Normandy landings are promoted as a turning point that changed the course of the war and helped the Allies win – as stated by the Dean of the Journalism Department at the Belarusian State University, political expert Aleksei Belyaev, in his talk with Alfa Radio The expert recalled the events related to the Normandy landings on June 6th, 1944, “The United States and the United Kingdom opened the so-called ...
18.06.2024history , Great Patriotic War , second world war , europe , belarus , germany , ussr
Operation that shook the world
... for the outcome of the Second World War The Byelorussian offensive, commonly known ... the fascist troops in the Second World War. About 400,000 soldiers, officers ...
13.06.2024Byelorussia , Bagration , operation , offensive , Red Army , Second World War , memory , liberation , Hitler , German , Natzi , fascists
Belarus at OSCE: Nazism should not raise its head again
... fascism and Nazism during the Second World War, to respect the feat of ...
05.05.2023osce , second world war , victory , nazism
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