Posted: 20.03.2023 14:54:00

Expert explained why Europe destroys refugees at its borders

Belarus’ neighbouring states want to aggregate all economic and technological benefits, but not everyone can be admitted to their territory – as stated by Aleksei Avdonin, an analyst at the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies, in his talk with Alfa Radio

Volunteers’ reports say that 200+ foreigners have already gone missing in the border area. For example, on March 11th, Polish servicemen took nine foreigners to the fence with Belarus and then forced them into the country’s territory through a gate for animals. On March 12th, Polish activists found the body of a man in a swamp near Belaya Vezha, and on March 13th, another victim was discovered: Latvian border guards pushed a refugee out of their territory, after which he froze in the forest. As noted by the radio programme host, Polina Konoga, neither the neighbouring countries’ authorities, nor international organisations react in any way to what is happening, “In fact, Europe has declared that it will host everyone, and those were actually the words of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Meanwhile, European countries have built fences against refugees.”

The expert responded, saying there is nothing surprising here. “This is a typical approach of Merkel. After all, everyone remembers how she behaved in relation to the Minsk agreements. She voiced certain ideas at the beginning, but later admitted that it had been done to delay time in order to arm Ukraine," Mr. Avdonin noted.

The programme host reminded the year 2021: when a crisis situation with refugees occurred on the Polish-Belarusian border, the President of Belarus personally visited those unfortunate people. Angela Merkel then called the Belarusian leader and asked him to resolve the situation, however, in fact, no one except Aleksandr Lukashenko tried to solve that issue globally.

“Our neighbouring countries want to aggregate all economic and technological benefits, but not everyone can be admitted to their territory. The European authorities will allow only those refugees they need to come – such as engineers, designers, IT specialists, and so on. All others are perceived there as superfluous people, therefore they are being destroyed at the borders,” the expert said.

According to Mr. Avdonin, Europe began to pursue a policy of attracting migrants since the mid-1970s, “It planned that migrants would be fully involved in all economic processes of European countries. Allegedly, their labour would be cheap, and they would be able to work on construction sites, in the sphere of housing and communal services, etc. However, such an economic model has collapsed. Over the past 5-7 years, the EU leaders have changed that strategy: they need not ordinary refugees, but good specialists.”