7 popular ways to remove Venus neck rings
Most experts agree that it is not entirely correct to call Venus rings wrinkles. A wrinkle is a fold on the skin that forms either as a result of facial expressions or in the process of skin ageing under the influence of various external factors, although, Venus rings can be found on the necks of children and adolescents, among others. PHOTO: WWW.PIXABAY.COM “The reason for this is the structural peculiarities of the platysma, a neck muscle. It starts from the corners of the mouth, goes around ...
21.02.2024Beauty , health
Where is the most beautiful autumn in Belarus
... order to enjoy the wondrous beauty of wooden architecture, then in ... . Kobrin One of the most beautiful parks in Belarus is named ...
25.10.2023Belarus , nature , tourism , autumn , beauty
Picturesque embankments of Belarus
... little later, however, the local beauties liked Prince Ivan Paskevich — he ...
07.09.2023Belarus , embankments , rivers , nature , beauty
In uniform and in heels
... the title of the most beautiful, intelligent and creative person. Seven ... work with specialists in the beauty industry and photography. An introduction ... — the programme is traditional for beauty contests, but the creative approach ... of ‘Real Lady’. The main beauty of the university is 19 ...
14.04.2022Competition , Real Lady , beauty
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