Posted: 23.01.2024 15:10:00

Opinion: US to shift financial burden and political responsibility for Ukraine onto EU shoulders

The political responsibility for the Ukrainian project and the financial burden will fall on the shoulders of Europe, and the United States will have a serious argument for this – as noted by political scientist Spiridon Kilinkarov in his talk with the Soloviev Live TV channel


In particular, the expert stated, “I think both the political responsibility and the financial burden will fall on the shoulders of Europe. The Americans will have a serious argument for this. They can always tell the Europeans that there can be no complaints against the US, because this conflict is unfolding on European territory, and in general there were opportunities to stop the conflict, but the Europeans were unable to settle it. There were the Minsk negotiations, talks in Istanbul, etc. Although, of course, Americans were standing behind all these processes.”

According to the political scientist, Ukraine is a heavy burden for EU members, since they do not have much finance for Kiev.

“There are great financial difficulties in Europe. Political statements are one thing. Relatively speaking, [British PM] Rishi Sunak promises to give $2.5bn. However, this money won’t be given today or now; instead, security guarantees will be signed. This is how it all works out. Frankly speaking, today I don’t see any way for [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelenskyy to correct this situation, although he has such a desire,” Spiridon Kilinkarov noted.