Posted: 13.10.2022 11:58:00

There should be no war on the territory of Belarus!

The President of Belarus has convened a meeting on the country’s security issues. This event was a continuation of a conversation started at the Strategic Control Centre of the Defence Ministry last week.

“When we were in the Strategic Control Centre of the Defence Ministry, you and I agreed that we would get together and once again discuss your proposals concerning the sphere of our security. We have to determine what else needs to be done in order to bolster the security of our country taking into account the rapidly changing situation,” said Aleksandr Lukashenko.
The President stated that the situation around Belarus remains tense, “An opinion that the Belarusian army will be directly involved in the special military operation in Ukraine’s territory is being cultivated in the West. Influenced by these leaks, the military political leadership of the North Atlantic Alliance and a number of European countries are already openly considering options for a possible aggression against our country, including a nuclear strike.”

Photo by BELTA

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, this is not something new for Belarus, and the Belarusian leader warned about the possibility of such a development of events for a long time, 
“Their goal is not to get us to fight on Russia’s side in Ukraine or, god forbid, carry out a nuclear strike and the rest. It is not the key target. The key target (it has remained the same since days of old) is to get us involved in the war while dealing with Russia and Belarus at the same time.”
The President said that the day before, the Belarusian side had been warned through unofficial channels about strikes against Belarus from the territory of Ukraine, “It was stated: ‘They said that it would be the Crimean Bridge 2’. This information was immediately brought to my attention. My answer was simple: ‘Tell the President of Ukraine and other insane people, if they are still there, that the Crimean Bridge will be just the thin end of the wedge to them, if only they touch a single meter of our territory with their dirty hands.’”
According to the Head of State, today Ukraine is not just contemplating, but planning strikes on the territory of Belarus. 
“Of course, the Ukrainians absolutely do not need this. Well, why would they need to open a second front on our southern border which is their northern border? This is madness from the point of view of the military. Nevertheless, the process has begun. They are being pushed by their patrons to unleash a war against Belarus in order to draw us in it and deal with Russia and Belarus at a time,” Aleksandr Lukashenko is convinced.
Both countries have been aware of it for a long time. Moreover, the Belarusian Head of State has repeatedly warned his fellow citizens and the world community about these plans. 
The President stressed that the recent events related to the Crimean Bridge suggest a significant increase in the level of terrorist threat. He also pointed out that Poland is ‘simply shivering’ while asking Americans to immediately bring and deploy nuclear weapons in Poland. Including from nuclear arsenals in Germany.
The United States of America and European Union countries say they are going to legalise the Belarusian self-
exiled opposition. 
“As a political force. They want to substantially increase support for destructive elements, deteriorate the situation at the western border right up to organising the second front,” the President emphasised.
Aleksandr Lukashenko reminded those present about what he said at the beginning of Russia’s special operation in Ukraine. Back then he said Belarus would not allow anyone to shoot Russians in the back. The situation along the western border was referred to. 
“It was a figure of speech. But back then I saw that the western direction was the most dangerous one. If we had uncovered it, we would be standing on the brink of a war today. But we left army units over there. Moreover, we’ve reinforced the western flank,” explained the President.
The Head of State described all the ongoing events as a logical continuation of the pressure on Belarus. Everything began with an attempt to organise a colour revolution and a blitzkrieg in 2020. When those failed, they launched the second stage — economic choking and information pressure. However, it has failed to produce the desired results. 
“What is left then? Using force to resolve the problem. They want to destabilise the situation in the country through acts of sabotage, provocations. It is what they plan. If things work out, they intend to start combat operations afterwards,” noted the Belarusian leader.
This is why the training of militants recruited from ranks of Belarusian radicals has begun in Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine. They are supposed to carry out acts of sabotage, terrorist attacks, and organise a military mutiny in Belarus. It is becoming an immediate threat.
“Taking into account the desire of the Polish government to rattle even nuclear weapons, it is not simply a threat anymore. It is a danger for the defensive ability of our country,” the Head of State stressed.
Aleksandr Lukashenko said that several days ago the KGB was instructed to take the necessary counterterrorism measures. Belarus does not threaten anyone and does not want war, but in the current conditions we simply forced to keep the gunpowder dry and adequately respond to emerging threats. Not only independently, but also within the framework of allied agreements with Russia.
“Without whipping up tensions, I would like you to understand: if you want peace, you have to prepare for war. Always. All your life… we, the military, must have plans to counter all sorts of scoundrels who are trying to drag us into a fight. We must not let them drag us into a war. This is our main task. There should be no war on the territory of Belarus. We, the military, must take all measures to prevent it,” said the Head of State.
Aleksandr Lukashenko recalled that he had a one-on-one meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in St. Petersburg after the informal CIS summit. “Given the worsening of the situation on the western borders of the Union State, we agreed to deploy a regional group of forces of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. This complies with our documents. It says that if the threat level reaches the level as it is now, we begin to use the Union State group of forces. The basis (I have always said this) of this group is the army, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus. I must inform you that the formation of this group has begun. It’s been going on for, I think, two days. I gave an order to start forming this group,” the Belarusian leader said.
Aleksandr Lukashenko also noted that Russia cannot deal with another conflict now. “You know they have enough problems. Therefore, we should not expect a large number of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. But it will be more than one thousand people. Please get ready to host these people soon and accommodate them where necessary, according to our plan. Without going over the top, keeping things calm,” said the President.
The Head of State gave advice to his fellow Belarusians on what to do in the current situation, “I would like to repeat that everyone should continue doing their job… The current situation is not so bad that we need to start acting immediately. Our military will demonstrate at this point their determination to defend their country. Then none of scoundrels will dare to muscle in here… Today, the state secretary [of the Security Council] and I have agreed that we will conduct a large-scale nationwide information campaign, with a focus on large enterprises. This campaign will be administrated at the highest level.”
The President said that he instructed the Ministry of Defence and the State Security Committee to work out a possible set of measures to control the situation and respond to it. 
“But once again I warn you: we will adequately respond to any opponent. We have been preparing for this for decades. If necessary, we will answer,” declared the Head of State.
In this regard, Aleksandr Lukashenko paid special attention to the role of intelligence, responsible military and civilians, who should not miss anything in the development of the situation, “We must know everything that happens near our borders.”
At the meeting, the President also addressed the topic of economic and social security, which are no less important for the stable development of society and the country. Particular attention is paid to issues of fairness, whether in pricing or in the distribution of social benefits.
“The main goal of the meeting on prices and similar meetings is to remove the points of tension and discontent of people. We see from sociological surveys that rising prices and inflation in the country are already trending in second place [of people’s concerns]. The concept of justice is at the heart of our policy. We will continue to adhere to it,” said Aleksandr Lukashenko.
The Head of State touched upon the topic of rising prices, which was discussed in detail last week with the participation of representatives of the economic bloc of the government.
“I want you to understand. Some have started lamenting and moaning, especially those from abroad... The main thing is not the ban on price growth. It is not. Please read the directive. The main thing is to develop a pricing control system. Before this system is there (it’s only a few days), prices should not rise indeed,” explained Aleksandr Lukashenko. 
The President noted that these days, MPs, trade unions, the State Control Committee and everyone, who has been tasked with this mission, have been monitoring the execution of the President’s instruction to ban price increases. Criminal cases have been opened into all these cases.

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