Posted: 11.01.2022 12:10:00

Over 4,000 comments to support draft Constitution registered by now

The draft Constitution submitted for public discussion covers absolutely all vital spheres of life. Unsurprisingly, its articles are thoroughly studied and analysed at companies and enterprises countrywide. The Head of the Belarus President Administration, Igor Sergeyenko, has visited the Belarusian State Medical University today to talk with its lecturers, professors and students.

As the Head of the President Administration noted, specialists register a great interest among Belarusians in the text of draft amendments and additions to the Constitution. “As of today, more than 4,000 comments have been submitted in support of specific proposals. The Legal Information Centre is engaged in data compilation, while ensuring the information analysis. I want to say that there are interesting proposals that we will definitely study at a meeting of the working group, the Constitutional Commission. There are also a number of responses in support of the project; there is an overwhelming majority of them. In turn, some comments express denial but people do not offer anything on their part. In general, villagers and urbanites demonstrate active participation, and the process is quite active,” Mr. Sergeyenko said.

The Head of the President Administration stressed that social policy issues are among the most topical ones: many people are concerned whether Belarus’ guidelines in the social sphere will be preserved. Moreover, as he said, everyone wants to find detailed reflections of certain directions in the project – which is already a tendency. However, the Constitution is the Basic Law. Specific issues will be regulated by other normative legal acts.

“I would also like to note that people are showing interest in the Belarusian People’s Congress, its functions and powers. Our political experts and sociologists are also quite interested in the preamble of the draft Constitution. In general, the analysis of incoming information indicates that people treat the issue seriously rather than purely emotionally,” Mr. Sergeyenko added.