Posted: 23.10.2023 13:11:00

Junge Welt: Biden's words about Putin indicate Washington's panic

The statement of US President Joe Biden, which he made in an address to Americans about Russian leader Vladimir Putin, indicates Washington's panic – as noted in the Junge Welt publication, RIA Novosti reports


It is reported that, on the evening of October 19th, Joe Biden compared the President of the Russian Federation with Hamas. “Anyone who dares to speak with such abstruse slogans is either trying to attract the dumbest faction of hard-right Americans to his side, or he has problems. Both are true of the US President,” the publication reads.

According to the source, the American leader faces several problems today, “One of them is that the United States and its supporters have been pouring tens of billions of Dollars into the rearmament of Ukraine for more than a year and a half – but what is the result? The much-vaunted Ukrainian counteroffensive has failed. Sooner or later, Ukraine will be lost.”

It is also stated in the publication that there is a possibility of an escalation of the conflict in the Middle East, and the US President will have then to deal with two conflicts.