Posted: 04.03.2024 17:04:00

State Border Committee: Latvian security forces ousted another corpse of a refugee on Belarus’ territory

Two days after the incident of pushing the beaten Syrian into the territory of Belarus, the Latvian military once again demonstrated ‘European humanity’ – getting rid of three foreigners, one of whom died after being severely beaten with batons and numerous stun gun blows, reports with reference to the State Border Committee

On afternoon of March 2nd, the Belarusian border patrol found three refugees in the Verkhnedvinsk District near the border with Latvia, one of them was already dead.

“The border guards immediately called a medical team, and the doctors confirmed the refugee’s death. The two others received the necessary medical assistance. As informed by the foreigners, they were detained by the military in Latvia. After being tortured, beaten with batons and tasered, one of the men died in the neighbouring territory. The Latvian security forces took the refugees with the body to the border then and ousted them through the gate for animals,” the source reported.

An investigative task force worked at the scene.

Since the beginning of 2023, fourteen people have died because of Latvia's migration policy. In the previous two years, no deaths of refugees were registered in the Latvian section of the border.