Opinion poll results presented
Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies (BISS) presented results of the Generation Z: Attitudes and Values of Modern Belarusian Youth sociological study
The social research – initiated by BISS – was conducted by the Centre for Social and Humanitarian Studies of the Belarusian State Economic University. More than 2,000 students aged 14-17 from different cities of the country were questioned.
Nikolai Sukhotsky, the Chief Adviser of the BISS Internal Policy Department, commented on some of the results obtained, “What goals do young people pursue in their life? Career is in the first place – as answered by 60 percent of respondents. The top three goals also include preservation and strengthening of health and a happy family. About 15 percent noted that they want to arrange their lives so that they work less and have more fun.”
The biggest fear of 14-17-aged young people is to be left without means of livelihood. As regards human qualities, teenagers consider honesty, humanity, intelligence, creativity, and a sense of humor to be the most valuable. In addition, according to the survey, 96.6 percent of students use the Internet daily – spending most of their time on social networks. “TikTok and Instagram are equally popular. These are followed by VKontakte, YouTube and Telegram,” Mr. Sukhotsky explained.
Analysts believe that the revealed results of the study can serve as a guideline for improving the work of state bodies, public associations and educational institutions.