Opinion: patriotic basis and ideas of statehood are at heart of all Belarusian parties
During the upcoming elections to local councils and Parliament, every Belarusian will have the opportunity to choose the ideas that are close in spirit and will be guided by the programme provisions that each party puts forward and promotes within the framework of the electoral campaign – as noted by the Rector of the Academy of Management under the President of Belarus, Vyacheslav Danilovich
At the same time, Mr. Danilovich drew attention to the most important point, “All four political parties are committed to the creative development of our society and the state. In short, the patriotic basis and the ideas of statehood are at the heart of the activities of all our parties – and this is the key point, since it is unacceptable for any state when political forces conduct anti-state activities aimed at the collapse of the country. Unfortunately, this has happened in our history. At present, we have healthy political parties that will promote their ideas – not destroying, but building up our country, our society and the state.”