Posted: 16.01.2023 15:34:00

Last week, Polish security forces tried to force refugees out through animal gates three times

Over the past week, the Polish military continued their attempts to force refugees into Belarus through the gates in the fence – as reported by the State Border Committee of Belarus in its Telegram channel

According to the State Border Committee, the first case occurred on January 11th, when the Polish security forces brought three refugees from the depths of the territory and, under the threat of physical force, tried to force them to pass through the gate for animals.

Later, on January 13th and 14th, eleven people were taken to the Polish barriers. The Polish military used pepper gas towards foreigners who refused to follow through the gate.

The State Border Committee said that Poland is grossly violating international law by bringing people to the border without any investigations and necessary procedures.

“The Polish military abuse refugees, taking advantage of their helplessness and vulnerable position,” the State Border Committee said in a statement.

Moreover, the Belarusian border department noted that the border guards of Poland in their reports hide the facts of such cases, as well as deny the use of force, as well as pepper spray against refugees.