Posted: 01.11.2021 10:44:00

Church doors open

The spread of coronavirus infection is a challenge for all mankind – physical and no less moral. Along with greatest efforts of the healthcare system, spiritual support is also vital.

Photo by Aleksei Stolyarov

It’s now a true luxury for many people in the countries which have introduced lockdown to visit a church, lit a candle, pray for the beloved souls, talk to a priest… No situation of the kind is observed in Belarus. During the fourth wave of the spread of COVID-19, churches are open to all countrywide.

The Commissioner for Religious and Ethnic Affairs, Aleksandr Rumak, comments, “In our country, roads to churches have never been closed – despite the pandemic, as it’s been in some European states. Meanwhile, we ask confession leaders to explain to their parishioners that it’s necessary to wear masks, keep a social distance and get vaccinated. Many people visit churches and all of them share a limited space, so the probability of infection is high. It is important to explain this in churches, because the level of trust in the clergy is very high in our society. People hear priests’ word.”

Precautions have never been neglected since we live under the pandemic conditions for a long time already. Archbishop Antony of Grodno and Volkovysk adds, “We are doing everything necessary to protect those who come to worship, while calling on the clergy to carry out all anti-epidemic measures. We strictly observe them since health is a gift from God, and we must treat ourselves carefully.”