Posted: 03.04.2024 12:25:00

Belarus, China discuss freight rail transportation

Minsk has hosted a working meeting between Vladimir Morozov, the Head of the Belarusian Railways, and Ju Guojiang, the Deputy Chief Engineer of China State Railway Group – Head of the International Co-operation Department, reports with reference to the Belarusian Railways’ press service


The event was held at the Belarusian Railways department as part of the visit of the delegation of the Chinese Railways State Corporation to take part in the international conference: 2024. Railway Logistics: Current Development Challenges.

The two sides discussed co-operation in organising the transportation of goods by container trains as part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative along the China-Western Europe-China routes (in transit through Belarus) and along the China-Belarus-China route.

Special attention was paid to the ongoing work aimed at creating the necessary conditions for further implementation of projects dealing with the supply of Belarusian goods (via overland routes) to China and increasing the capacity of the railway infrastructure along the route of container trains.