Posted: 10.08.2023 16:08:00

Volfovich: while Belarus is harvesting grain, the West is betting on escalating the situation

A meeting of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee has been held today, with the participation of the State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus, Aleksandr Volfovich, who outlined the main task for the region: ensuring the country's food security by successfully completing the harvesting campaign

The President’s authorised representative in the Grodno Region focused also on another acute point of modern times, “While our country is actively harvesting grain today, Western colleagues fail to accept Belarusians’ peaceful and creative work and their desire for good-neighbourliness: they are rather betting on escalating the situation. They are returning to the Cold War times and, according to some indicators, they have even ‘surpassed’ what happened during the Cold War, when there were two opposing blocs. Western leaders and politicians are trying to escalate the situation at present. They are accusing Belarus and Russia of an imaginary threat from the East coming from our side. Under this pretext, they have set a course for militarisation. We can see now how the decisions – made during the recent NATO Summit in Vilnius – are being actively implemented. Some politicians and leaders of the neighbouring countries are ahead of schedule trying to implement these events to please their overseas curators. At the moment, we are not threatening anyone: on the contrary, we observe actions of the kind on the part of our neighbours.”

Mr. Volfovich informed that the armed forces’ structures are currently being reformed in Poland at a rapid pace. The construction and formation of the first mechanised division of the Polish army is underway. The latter is armed with the newest military hardware, and serious funding is allocated for its purchase.

“Money is spent on the purchase of overseas – primarily, American – equipment, such as modern tanks, planes and more. [This is being done] to please American businessmen and politicians. It has been announced that this division of 33 thousand military personnel will be formed by the end of 2025. It is very large, since – even during the USSR times – a division was never more than 20 thousand people. Not long ago, a regiment was formed 115km from Belarus’ state border in the Polish city of Kolno; it was allegedly created to cover the Suwalki corridor. By the end of 2023, they plan to form a new engineer-sapper battalion, although there are no threats from Belarus and Russia in this direction – and this is perfectly visible through reconnaissance from space,” the State Secretary of the Security Council noted.

He added that, over the past two months alone, more than ten large-scale exercises involving NATO troops were held near Belarus’ borders. Moreover, flights of reconnaissance aircraft along the state border of the Union State are recorded every day, and several flights of strategic bombers are carried out weekly.