Media: 60+ people trapped under rubble in Polish mine

Several dozen workers of the Rydultowy mine, located in the Silesian Voivodeship in southern Poland, have been trapped under the rubble due to an aftershock, TASS reports Photo: www.reuters.com Aleksandra Wysocka-Siembiga, from Polska Grupa Gornicza mine operator, told TVP Info that a strong aftershock at a depth of 1,200m occurred at about 8:00 (9:00 Minsk time) on July 11th. Rescue work is underway. At the moment, there are data on 68 miners who worked in the rubble zone. According to TASS, ...

poland , mines

Romania, Turkey detect mines floating off coast

... warned for caution since sea mines floating in the Black Sea ... .com According to IMO, the mines pose ‘a serious and direct ...

turkey , romania , mines

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