Important partners in the Middle East and Africa

... Both states are important trade partners of Belarus in the Middle ... during his meetings with foreign partners, including partners from the United Arab ... the Emirati side and Belarusian partners. In general, trade and economic ... -2024]. Naturally, we and our partners are engaged not only in ...

Lukashenko , Belarus , Zimbabwe , UAE , partners , co-operation

Partners and allies

Aleksandr Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin held talks, and the next day they took part in a training session on command and control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation The meetings of the two leaders were regularly held in 2022, but this is the first face-to-face meeting and a good opportunity to compare notes on many positions. Vladimir Putin greeted the President of Belarus in the Kremlin, saying, “Foremost, we made serious progress in the development of the Union State. We and our ...

Lukashenko , Belarus , Putin , Russia , Partners , allies , cooperation

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