Posted: 17.12.2021 12:25:00

Sanctions policy is ineffective

“Nobody benefits from sanctions: neither the countries against which they are imposed, nor those that introduce them,” First Vice-Rector of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Svetlana Vinokurova, told Alfa Radio

“The sanctions policy is ineffective and unproductive, as experts from various countries note,” she said. “Nevertheless, such practice exists and someone is hoping for it. Some even receive dividends from this. Despite the fact that neither side wins (neither the one who is being sanctioned nor the one who imposes restrictions), it all continues.”

Ms. Vinokurova noted that Belarus has been living under sanctions for years and the attitude of the collective West towards us has not changed, in connection with which there is a question of developing a long-term strategy. Much also depends on each person individually. “The government is looking for other markets, and, actually, is doing it successfully: our export indicators are growing while the directions are changing. Russia, China, and African countries – friendly to us – allow us to move there. Citizens of the country should also understand the overarching task faced by the state. More responsibility and discipline is required from everyone and the civil position of a person should be based on this. It is necessary that every citizen in his place, fulfilling his professional duties, understands that we all share a common goal and make our own contribution,” concluded Ms. Vinokurova.