Posted: 05.10.2022 14:05:00

MP explains where arms supplied by the West to Ukraine actually go

During the UN General Assembly, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on the West to provide Kiev with air defence systems, long-range weapons and ammunition. A deputy of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus, Sergei Klishevich, shared his opinion on the issue.


As noted by the deputy in his talk with Alfa Radio, Zelenskyy makes appeals of the kind at any international event. “We understand that most of these weapons will simply be stolen and sold out by Zelenskyy’s representatives. Many are now making money on this,” he said.

Mr. Klishevich explained why the Ukrainian authorities are selling out the weapons received from the West, “They will have to somehow exist later, after the order is restored in Ukraine. At the expense of what this will be possible? This will be trade in these weapons. Meanwhile, the arms supplied to Ukraine are now used in many other world conflicts by different states, and this is noticed by sponsors of these weapons who are beginning to slow down the process [of supplying weapons to Ukraine]. Somewhere the weapons have already run out, and somewhere they just do not want to be deceived.”

The deputy believes it is beneficial for the United States that European countries continue to supply weapons to Ukraine. “Many European – and other – states have increased their military budgets, and they buy weapons from the United States. This results in strengthening of the US currency, which has destabilised lately and is still unsteady,” he stated.