Posted: 29.01.2024 10:21:00

MP: Belarus’ leadership doing everything so that the country not involved in military conflicts

The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, held a meeting of the Security Council last week, which was focused on the consideration of two important strategic planning documents – the draft National Security Concept and the Military Doctrine of Belarus. According to the Head of State, the significance of that event was due, among other things, to the fact that both documents are considered and approved by the Belarusian People's Congress (in line with the new Constitution). The Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on International Affairs of the House of Representatives, Oleg Gaidukevich, explained why the issues related to challenges and threats, sovereignty and independence, war and peace are becoming increasingly relevant today.

“We all want to live in peace. When talking about such serious documents as the National Security Concept and the Military Doctrine, we should understand that they are aimed at ensuring that Belarus remains a peaceful and calm country. Belarusians do not want to fight, because they know what war is and how many people have died over the years of their Fatherland’s existence. Look at what is happening in the world right now, in particular in the Middle East. It is a powder keg that is about to explode: it will not work to bomb only one country, as the entire region will join the hostilities. This will last for decades, and Europe will also catch fire. Migrants, terrorist attacks, extremism will not calm down. Strategic documents are being adopted against the background of these global events, and representatives of the country's leadership – headed by our President – are doing everything to ensure that Belarus is not involved in any military conflict. The Head of State approaches the adoption of these documents very responsibly. Therefore, not only specialists from law enforcement ministries and departments are involved, but also the public, experts, politicians, and deputies. This means that the documents will be well worked out and will have the proper effect. Why are we proud of our Constitution today? This is because it was created and adopted with participation of the most of society, it was widely discussed. The National Security Concept and the Military Doctrine will be approved under the same principle, and they will meet modern challenges against our state," Mr. Gaidukevich stated.