Posted: 24.12.2021 12:38:00

Moscow and Minsk consider NATO expansion

In their military-technical co-operation, Moscow and Minsk take into account the expansion of NATO and the build-up of its forces near the borders of the Union State, the Director of the Second CIS Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Aleksey Polishchuk, told RIA Novosti


He recalled that Russia and Belarus are bound by obligations to ensure military security as part of the integration associations, and the western border of Belarus is the common border of the Union State and the CSTO, so its joint defence is one of the common priorities for Moscow and Minsk. He added that a single defence space is now being formed, the regional group of Russian and Belarusian forces and a single air defence system are functioning, and joint exercises are regularly held.

“Naturally, this activity takes into account changes in the military-political situation, especially the expansion of NATO and the build-up of the alliance’s forces near our borders. They were also taken into consideration in the updated military doctrine of the Union State, which was approved in early November,” said Mr. Polishchuk.