Posted: 26.11.2021 13:13:00

Lukashenko: we will persistently ask western states to help refugees

On visiting the transport and logistics centre near the Bruzgi checkpoint, the President assured refugees that Belarus will persistently ask the West to help them


“I promise you that I and bodies of state power of Belarus will do everything possible; we will persistently ask the western states to help you,” Aleksandr Lukashenko addressed refugees and they, in turn, applauded on hearing those words.

The Head of State added, “We understand that this is not simply a human problem. I look further: if we fail to solve the refugee problem in Belarus now, it will get stronger later. A great number of refugees will come here, and it will be impossible to control them on the border. Therefore, it is necessary now – until this problem gets stronger – to solve it: to solve it in the way I’ve said.”