Posted: 06.02.2023 11:35:00

Lukashenko announced large meeting on the results of work of Belarus’ power bloc and tasks for the future

The President of Belarus proposed to gather the entire power bloc of the country in the Palace of Independence to discuss the results of its work and tasks for the future. The Head of State stated this today, while being reported by Prosecutor General Andrei Shved.


Aleksandr Lukashenko asked the speaker to do without self-reports, “Why? Probably, under the leadership of the Prosecutor’s Office, let’s gather the entire power bloc to discuss the results of last year and talk about the tasks that we have. I think so here, in the Palace of Independence in the largest hall, let’s talk frankly about the tasks and shortcomings – most importantly, about the shortcomings of the entire power bloc, including the army.”

The Head of State stressed that at such large meetings it is necessary to talk about shortcomings in each law enforcement agency, “It is our fault that we, in this composition, do not talk about the problems of the army, the Prosecutor’s Office, the investigating authorities, the Interior Ministry, the KGB as a whole, having brought them together. These are people who perform similar tasks, so contacts are very important. They must see how other law enforcement agencies work ... For example, the Investigative Committee must see how the army lives. It’s clear with the Prosecutor’s Office: you are constantly in contact here. We will need to discuss and listen to our achievements and shortcomings.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko instructed the Prosecutor General, together with the Head of the Belarus President Administration, to prepare a relevant meeting, “So that we can thoroughly prepare for this event. The order should be appropriate: of course, I have to speak and talk about tasks and certain shortcomings, but you also need to prepare in order to give an analysis of the legal situation in the security bloc. And let’s listen to the security forces, what they have to say.”