Posted: 26.08.2022 18:34:00

Lukashenko about grain growers: we’ll support them for their work during harvesting campaign

Grain growers who are actively working during the harvesting campaign will be especially rewarded this year – as noted by Aleksandr Lukashenko during his visit to the Vavilov Minsk Mechanical Plant


Commenting on the course of the harvesting campaign, the President drew attention to the fact that a good harvest of both grain and sugar beets is expected this year, “There will be no problems in this regard. Therefore, these people [farmers] should be rewarded. We refused to do it, as before, at the level of the President at one location. Each region chooses a district, the district chooses a farm and holds Dazhynki holiday there. Thus, we bring two dozen facilities and farms in order.”

The Head of State also drew attention to the fact that modern agricultural machinery enables to achieve high results. In particular, the President recalled how the farm, which he once headed, harvested only 6,000 tonnes of grain, and today there are some advanced combine harvesters who harvest several thousand tonnes alone, “Recently I’ve heard that one combine operator threshed 4,000 tonnes [a young combine operator Andrei Kobyatko from the Kamenets District’s Belovezhsky JSC was the first in the country to thresh 4,000 tonnes of grain]... He did it alone! If there are two or three such combine harvesters and a combine operator, there is no need for more ... These are very strong people.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko is also convinced that young people should be accustomed to such work, “We will push, and explain, and strain in this direction. We will support the guys for the harvesting campaign, they have done well!”