Posted: 13.09.2023 16:30:00

Krutoi: Belarus to set up multi-brand machinery sales centre in Magadan

Ambassador of Belarus to Russia Dmitry Krutoi and Governor of Russia’s Magadan Region have discussed prospects for co-operation during a meeting on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, agreeing on the need for a large-scale presence of Belarusian machine building brands in the Russian region

Dmitry Krutoi noted that the current level of trade turnover cannot satisfy both sides. Today, it primarily relies on heavy-duty dump trucks and, in small quantities, food products, cosmetics and furniture. The Ambassador said that at the meeting it was agreed that the government of the Russian region will provide its Belarusian partners with the long-term need (until 2030) for the range of machinery employed in the mining industry.

“Before this, they relied primarily on Japanese technology. Komatsu was a monopolist here, but now this company is leaving the market, so they are thinking about a large-scale update. In this regard, let’s be frank, BELAZ must be very ‘quick’. At the same time, the Russian governor said that a separate programme has been created for the improvement of small towns where indigenous peoples live and where there is a very high need for municipal and road equipment.

The Belarusian Ambassador announced the future visit of the Magadan Region delegation to Belarus, which will be primarily aimed at acquaintance with the latest goods of the Belarusian automobile production.

“As part of the visit, the Russian governor wants to see the latest innovations and would like to see the entire range of Belarusian machinery in the region. But for this it’s necessary to establish a multi-brand centre, providing service and spare parts. Most likely, this will be under the auspices of BELAZ, but we will also involve all our other manufacturers. Therefore, task number one is to understand the need of the region, and task number two is to determine the financial scheme for creating this multi-brand centre,” concluded Dmitry Krutoi.